It is difficult to find a more popular profession than a doctor. We need this specialist quite often. He has knowledge that can save someone's life. If you choose a direction, then the profession of a doctor is the best option.

I know that before you become a doctor, you need to study for a long time. And education is not easy. This is not the case when you can pass something by your ears. The doctor should perfectly understand his direction. If this is a therapist, then he has to know everything about the work of the human body. Narrower specializations do not guarantee small amounts of information. Everywhere you need to try.

But these sacrifices are worth it. Becoming a doctor, I will not just work, work and get paid. This is a true calling, where every day you have to invest 100%.

My family supports my decision, because in our family more than once this profession was chosen. I am glad that I can count on such support. I hope that I can prove myself and live up to the expectations of my family.

Updated: 2017-05-15

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Mini essay on the topic of why I want to become a doctor

  1. I am now a doctor, after reading
  2. i want to become a doctor because I like this profession and write why
  3. When I grow up, I will become a doctor.
    A doctor is a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. He takes responsibility for human life. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane and necessary professions on earth. Helping people, doing good, doing miracles, all this is the essence of a real doctor. I really want to learn and become a good doctor. This is my dream from early childhood. I understand that this profession requires great responsibility, as it is associated with human health. But I have a goal in life and I am confidently moving towards it.
    Being a doctor is happiness.
  4. I really appreciated your composition Arzu.mahmudova
  5. From childhood, I was attracted to the profession of a teacher. It was so good to plant the dolls and tell them something, and then put grades in the journal. It seemed so simple. But when I went to school, I saw how hard the teacher’s bread was. My first teacher is a wonderful person. She is kind, sincere, fair. Valentina Nikiforovna gives all her strength, knowledge and time to us, takes care that we become enlightened and kind people. Like her, in the future I want to give the warmth and kindness of my soul to children, the dream, too, to become a teacher of elementary grades. It seems to me that a real teacher is a person who has not only deep knowledge, but also knows how to communicate with children, educate them honest, hardworking, kind. Therefore, the ideal for me remains my first teacher, with whom we began to read, count and write. I hope that I can also find a common language with the students, if I respect them, listen to their thoughts, I will always try to teach the goodness of my students.
  6. Since childhood, I dream of becoming a doctor. This profession attracts me because it is needed for people. To be a doctor you need to study well at school because it is a very responsible profession. The doctor takes responsibility for human life. That's why I want to be a doctor
  7. Arzu.mahmudova super
  8. sit and drink alcohol!
  9. i, too

  10. Vladislav Lyubchik superb composition
  11. A doctor is a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. He takes responsibility for the most wonderful life in the world. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane and necessary professions on earth.
    What qualities should a person have who has chosen the profession of a doctor?

    The doctor must love people. You can have excellent knowledge, be prepared for the most difficult situations, but without love and compassion there is no good doctor. Because the doctor’s job is to alleviate suffering and save patients from death.

    The doctor is called to serve the health of every person and the whole nation. Calling a doctor requires that he fulfill his duties, following the voice of conscience and guided by the principles of medical ethics.

    It is necessary that the doctor always remains calm. The doctor should be calm and confident in appearance and in all circumstances maintain inner calm. There may be various events in his personal life, but when the doctor is suitable for the patient, it is only necessary to think about him, to suffer from his suffering, to live with the thought of how to quickly and correctly help him. The calm and confidence of the doctor is transmitted to the patient and helps him recover.

  12. A doctor is a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. He takes responsibility for the most wonderful life in the world. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane and necessary professions on earth.
    What qualities should a person have who has chosen the profession of a doctor?

    The doctor must love people. You can have excellent knowledge, be prepared for the most difficult situations, but without love and compassion there is no good doctor. Because the doctor’s job is to alleviate suffering and save patients from death.

    The doctor is called to serve the health of every person and the whole nation. Calling a doctor requires that he fulfill his duties, following the voice of conscience and guided by the principles of medical ethics.

    It is necessary that the doctor always remains calm. The doctor should be calm and confident in appearance and in all circumstances maintain inner calm. There may be various events in his personal life, but when the doctor is suitable for the patient, it is only necessary to think about him, to suffer from his suffering, to live with the thought of how to quickly and correctly help him. The calm and confidence of the doctor is transmitted to the patient and helps him recover.

  13. ifrjf
  14. A doctor is a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. He takes responsibility for the most wonderful life in the world. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane and necessary professions on earth.
    What qualities should a person have who has chosen the profession of a doctor?

    The doctor must love people. You can have excellent knowledge, be prepared for the most difficult situations, but without love and compassion there is no good doctor. Because the doctor’s job is to alleviate suffering and save patients from death.

    The doctor is called to serve the health of every person and the whole nation. Calling a doctor requires that he fulfill his duties, following the voice of conscience and guided by the principles of medical ethics.

    It is necessary that the doctor always remains calm. The doctor should be calm and confident in appearance and in all circumstances maintain inner calm. There may be various events in his personal life, but when the doctor is suitable for the patient, it is only necessary to think about him, to suffer from his suffering, to live with the thought of how to quickly and correctly help him. The calm and confidence of the doctor is transmitted to the patient and helps him recover.

    The doctor needs to be attentive and sensitive. The patient will not believe an inattentive doctor, and any careless word of a doctor can frighten him so much that he will lose faith in recovery.

    The doctor needs to be brave. After all, he was the first to go where a fatal epidemic is rampant. He should not be afraid to look after such patients, from whom he himself can become infected with a deadly disease. The doctor should be able to quickly make a decision and not be afraid to take responsibility for this decision.

    The doctor must be selfless, always be on duty. He can be called to the patient at any time of the day or night, or even when he himself is sick, or his relatives are sick.

    Also, the doctor must be inquisitive and hardworking. He must constantly expand his knowledge in order to apply modern methods of treatment and use the latest discoveries of medicine.

    And, most importantly, the doctor should treat all patients with the same soul and reverence, regardless of the patient’s mood, his social status, or the severity of his illness.

    The doctor must be merciful.

  15. but I liked Vladik Lyubchik The student is very interesting

There are many different professions in the world that in the future can determine the life path of a child. School takes a large part in such a serious choice, therefore, already in the elementary grades, students are invited to write an essay on the topic “What I want to become and why.” This helps not only the children themselves to get acquainted with the professions and choose for themselves the one that is most interesting to them, but also parents and the teacher will be able to choose a direction for each child that will prepare them for adulthood.

“Once at school I was asked to write an essay

on what I want to become when I grow up.

I wrote: "A happy man."

I was told that I did not understand the task,

and I replied that they did not understand life. ”

John Lennon

General rules for writing essays

Each essay should have a certain structure in order to organize information and facilitate its understanding. Of course, depending on the theme and purpose of each literary text, the plan of the essay may change. What is the best way to build your thoughts when you write about who I want to become and why:

Introduction.   In this part, you invite to a conversation, ask the main topic of the future essay in order to smoothly proceed to the very reasoning. Here's what the beginning might look like:

Choosing a vocation is not an easy task, because there are a lot of professions in the world. It is important for me, as well as for every person, to understand as early as possible who I want to become and why, in order to direct all my efforts towards achieving my goal.

Probably, many children want to become a ballerina or an astronaut, and someone even a super hero. However, as you grow older, dreams come to replace serious thoughts about choosing a future profession. I often wonder who I want to become and why.

There are so many different professions in the world, and each is interesting in its own way. To find my true recognition, I first need to understand who I want to become, and then seriously think about whether my physical and moral qualities allow me to succeed in this area and benefit society.

Main part.   Here you go directly to the choice of professions. Of course, this is very difficult, and for this you will have to read about different vocations in order to choose for yourself what will serve your life path. Write about your best qualities, which will be the best explanation of your choice. Here are some interesting and very useful professions that you can write about in an essay, if you have not decided yet:

I am a very curious person and I am always drawn to the development of new information. This prompted me to think about who I want to become and why. I want to be a scientist. Of course, now it’s hard for me to choose a specific direction in which I would like to work, but the subjects that we study at school help me a lot, because they comprehensively develop me. I think that very soon I will find that scientific activity where in the future I will make many discoveries useful to the whole society.

Journalism has always attracted me precisely because this profession allows you to meet new people and communicate with interesting people. I am very sociable and express my thoughts well, so in this profession I can achieve great success and delight others with my creativity.

What I want to become and why was significantly influenced by the appearance of a dog in our house. We became friends, and I always look after her. Unfortunately, it happens that she is sick, and then parents invite us to a veterinarian in a white coat (link why doctors wear white coats). I carefully watched all his actions and realized that helping animals is what I want to devote my life to.

ArgumentsThis part of the essay is optional, but it will bring more meaning to your work. Try to recall examples of people who can safely be called heroes of their craft. You can find interesting personalities in textbooks or on the Internet who once chose the same profession as their vocation:

I would very much like to become such a great scientist as Albert Einstein. Now he is internationally recognized, but he did not study very well at school. He achieved everything with his perseverance, hard work and developed thinking. These qualities allowed him to become the greatest physicist of all time.

I consider the well-known television journalist Vladimir Pozner to be a true specialist in his field. His desire to inform people was the starting point for me on who I want to become and why. Over the years, he leads not only popular, but also very useful and informative programs. I would like to devote myself to such serious journalism.

It seems that vets are not a very prestigious profession. However, Domsky Igor Alexandrovich proves the opposite. He is the director of the main animal research center in Russia and for his work in the field of disease prevention received the Presidential Award. His love for animals is truly unlimited, this earned him not only my respect, but also millions of people around the world.

Conclusion   In this part of the essay, it is necessary to summarize a peculiar result. You can summarize the evidence that this profession was not chosen by you accidentally, and you are ready for it:

Although I still have a lot of time before entering adulthood, I began to prepare for this now. For a profession to become a true vocation, you need to understand its importance and significance for yourself already in childhood. I have no doubt who I want to become and why, and I will go towards my goal, despite the obstacles and difficulties.

Journalism is not just a profession, it is a skill that needs to be developed and improved throughout life. So that by the end of school I was ready to learn my future profession, I need to start training now. I will work hard, and then I will succeed.

Being a veterinarian is a big responsibility. Indeed, in your hands is the health and life of animals. I think that I am ready for this, because the main thing is that I have a great love for animals and a desire to help them.

Using the plan and examples, you can easily write a good essay on the topic "What I want to become and why." The main thing is to comprehend everything that turns out to be, because it will be useful not only for getting an assessment, but also for understanding your future life path.

An essay on the topic “Why do I want to become a surgeon?”

To date, the most attractive profession for me is a surgeon. Unfortunately, in my family no one works in the field of medicine. But I always liked all kinds of informative programs in which physicians of various directions talk about various diseases, about the methods of their treatment. In addition, for many months I have been studying various medical textbooks and manuals that can be found on the Internet. I really like reading these books, they have written a lot of interesting and useful things that I had never suspected of before.
  For many centuries, the medical profession has been one of the most complex and noble. Every day, people in white coats save a huge number of people's lives. I would like to connect my life with a profession that would benefit people, help them and be in demand in any economic situation. Therefore, my choice fell on the surgical field. Of course, this profession implies great zeal, knowledge, and even talent. The surgeon's hands are a tool with which you can both save a person and destroy him. This is a very big responsibility. Therefore, studying for this profession is necessary with all diligence. Fine motor skills of the hands should also be well developed. To do this, I'm already starting to perform simple exercises, for example, rolling a coin through my fingers. This exercise trains fingers well and soothes.
Perhaps for many, the profession of "surgeon" seems to be something terrible and bloody, like from horror films. But for me this is a wonderful profession that will help make the world a better place and save a large number of people. I do not consider the operation process as "cutting a living person." I believe that these are the same necessary procedures without which human life can be at risk, like a vaccination or a course of therapeutic massage. Without these procedures, as well as without surgery, a person will feel bad, and something will certainly hurt him. The surgeon's profession is aimed at healing and excluding from life any person in need, pain and suffering, and even making his life much better! That is why I am inclined to choose this profession after graduation from school and associate it with my whole life. After all, saving lives is an incredible responsibility, but also a great joy!

The choice of profession is one of the most important problems facing graduates. We choose our future profession, guided by countless factors. But each of us sets priorities individually.
For some, this is material wealth, for some - fame, for someone - family. Each of us chooses a future profession based on the characteristics of his character and personal qualities.
  For many of us, determining our professional trajectory is a difficult task, because not everyone can make a quick, and most importantly, the right choice from the entire proposed “assortment”. But still, there are those lucky ones who nevertheless managed to decide and take the right course for the future. I am used to treating myself so lucky.
  At first, this question also haunted me, and I was clearly from the category of people who have "seven Fridays in a week." Singer, minibus driver, model, office clerk, musician, cosmetologist, veterinarian, Egyptologist, historian, actress, photographer, director, writer, producer - whoever I was going to become over the past six years, and each time the words sounded: “Of course “I am one hundred percent sure of this, this is the very thing that I want to do until my death.” Well, of course, this was not so. In the end, I decided to choose a future profession based on my hobbies. Revealed the details that I like and certainly will never be able to get bored.
I began by realizing that I really want to travel. Ride around, fly around, swim our beloved World, and live in every country in the world for at least a week. This idea was born in my mind, thanks to the program “Oryol and Reshka”, which is broadcasting on the Friday channel, the presenters of which travel around the world and have the opportunity to study the microworld of every continent from the inside. The dream consumed me entirely, became an obsession, and, accordingly, the first argument for the upcoming choice. The second point, I asked myself the question: what can I do? And more precisely: what is good at me? As it turned out, I have a little talent for writing, so the next criterion was that in my future work, writing activities will definitely have to be present. The third and final argument was the love of publicity, or the desire not to remain constantly in the background, “behind the scenes”, but the desire to be in the public eye and to make some contribution to the development and existence of our society. The result of such a long reflection was the conclusion that the ideal profession in my case is the profession of a journalist or reporter.
  Journalism makes the life of a person who has chosen this path to the absurdity unpredictable. Today, a journalist works in a periodical; tomorrow he can be a television or radio correspondent. He often changes specialization.
  A journalist needs professional qualities and skills to meet the requirements of modern media. These are literacy, erudition, style, practical skills, talent; sociability, professional etiquette, courtesy, life experience, imaginative thinking, good memory, creative abilities. Thus, it is important for a television and radio reporter to have delivered diction and excellent response, especially on the air. The host of the show should be able to formulate interesting questions, listen to and hear the interlocutor and direct the conversation in the necessary direction.
  The work of a journalist consists of several stages:
- Collection of information. The work of a journalist is 90% - collecting the necessary information. Observation is an important property for every journalist. This ability cannot have "days off and lunch breaks." There is even a professional method: for some time a journalist becomes part of the mini community that he is going to write about. For example, she goes to work as a waiter in a restaurant and studies life from the inside. After all, it is terribly difficult to make “tasty” information from official materials.
- Data processing. The collected material should be studied, analyzed, the facts should be carefully checked to clarify the issues.
- Feedback. A published article on the air of the plot finds the answer in the hearts of people. Readers, radio listeners, viewers quite often write letters to the issue, call. The journalist is obliged to trace the opinion of the audience.
  There are pros and cons to journalism. The pluses include active life; meeting and communicating with many famous, talented and interesting people; the ability to travel and be everywhere; free artist status (you should not work from call to call). A journalist is always in the thick of things, wherever he works - on radio, television or in the periodical press. Through his eyes, most people look at events that occur in the country and the world. He can informatively, and most importantly, is interesting to talk about almost everything, from public debt to stories from the life of stars. The disadvantages are irregular working hours (a journalist is forced to work hard to be the first among the rest); the inability to be out of work, because there are many things that you can write an article about or make a plot for a television show; journalism is a dangerous profession.
  If you want to be a journalist, you must say goodbye to holidays and weekends. Journalism is your life's mission. It’s in the nature of things to answer the boss’s night calls, have urgent business and trips, sometimes you can see terrible dreams about your article. But you should not wait for recognition from society for your hard work and sleepless nights. However, journalists will not change their work to another, because their work comes from the heart: not every person can write effective articles, create stories that can help you feel and be better.
Making money in journalism is possible only when you prove yourself. It depends on your abilities, on luck and, of course, on your knowledge. If you want to make money journalism, you must do the same. The main concern of the correspondent is to sell information, and for this it is necessary to look for a "bomb" in everything. Sometimes you will discover America. It is important to prove your need to get a job. You have to be a jack of all trades to edit texts and make candy from hopeless material, invent interesting topics, compose incredible headlines, and work in non-stop mode.
  Journalistic work is a 25-hour workday multiplied by the bold unknown X. You never know what will happen today when you finish your next article ...

Recently, journalists have been using modern technology. For example, they find information on the Internet, work with computers. Therefore, correspondents quickly make their articles, headlines. But, of course, great talent, creativity, play an important role in the career of a journalist.
A creative person will be in demand in various fields. Sometimes unskilled journalists inflict suffering on people with their materials in order to earn money, and this is terrible. A true journalist should not only amaze, delight readers, but he must inspire others, do something good and believe in himself.
  As for me, I am constantly looking for creativity, because if I do not write, I can lose my abilities. They are hard to return.
Journalism is a creative profession, it is very difficult, and that is why it is very interesting. I made my choice! And I'm sure he's right!