A person is faced with the need to change everything, how to start a new life? What forces him? Parting or loss, illness or disappointment. At one “beautiful” moment it suddenly becomes clear: “ if I don't change my life, I'm done».

It feels like a wall in front of you, behind which a new life is hiding. Maybe it's made of bricks. Or from cardboard. Push her? Get around? Find a side passage? I can not decide on anything. I just stand, look at this wall, and do nothing.

Which way to change - options are quickly found. You can, you can. And a mirage is already looming in the distance - “ this is how I will live ....»

And then the wall. And misunderstanding: " Why can't I take a step? What binds me? ”What binds me?

There are several options. Choose yours.

  • Fear

« Suddenly I can’t? What awaits me there? What if it’s self-deception?»

  • Impotence

« I want to go there, I want to break through. But I can not. It is necessary to concentrate and take a step, a breakthrough. And my whole body seemed to be paralyzed. I can’t force myself to do anything. Too much power has already been expended. Minutes go, but I'm just not able»

  • Doubt

« Suddenly this is just an illusion, and nothing awaits me ahead? I believe, I will make a jerk, and in front - is it the same? Or maybe even worse.»

  • Cargo

There will always be those who say: " Stand, where are you going?"They will pull back with words, glances, deeds.

Things to complete before breaking the wall. One thing. Two. Three. Then - a lot! What a breakthrough, if it turns out only backward.

  • Wines.

« How dare I want a better life? It’s my own fault that there is a wall in front of me. I must not poison the beautiful world of the oasis with my presence»

  • Self flagellation

« I did not deserve anything else. Pulling your strap is my destiny. Only a strong, brave, bright person could break through the barrier, could earn happiness. I don’t have what life gives me a reward for»

A way to start a new life, how to win in the fight against yourself?

In this struggle, you will always be both a winner and a loser. In any case, you have to lose something. Habitual lifestyle, old habits, friends. But the reward can be significant: peace, joy, hope for the future, for whom even the whole open world.

But for the battle to take place, for the wall to be passed, you need to study yourself well. After all, besides a psychologist, you yourself are your ally. Opponent, no matter how offensive, you too.

The beginning of a new life. What are you?

Gusty or unhurried? Rational or reckless? Logical or intuitive? Sociable or closed? Focused on the inner world or appreciating the external manifestations of processes?

The choice of the instrument of victory will depend on the answers to these questions.

Let's move from lyrics to practice.

Perhaps you know the answers to all these questions. Then - congratulations, the task was simplified. But if you do not understand what is about you, and what is not about you?

The easiest way to understand yourself is to get to know each other better, like a stranger. A drawing or photograph will help to do this.

How to get to know yourself?

Personally, I like the patterned option. He is more creative, which means that he uses the soul, the psyche, the unconscious more.

In the picture you need to portray yourself. Portrait resemblance is not important. You must personally understand: " It's me!»It is best to draw a figure on sheet A4 that has some resemblance to you. Perhaps the similarity will be in clothing, hairstyle, eye color, favorite pose. Image size - as you want.

Do not like to draw - take your favorite photo where you like yourself. Where are you - happy and contented.

Sitting calmly, without being distracted by the bustle, get acquainted with the hero depicted. You - ask questions, you - give answers from the position of the hero.

Questions to your hero

Here are the basic questions that are important to you:

-What do you value in yourself? Name at least three traits of character or appearance.

- How do you prevent yourself from becoming happy? Name at least three habits, or character traits, or external manifestations.

- What do you want to find behind the "wall"?

“What do you want to leave here?”

I really count on your ability to self-analyze. If something doesn’t work out, she’s ready to help.

Got answers? Know how to draw conclusions to choose your path to overcome the obstacle.

These are the options that I know of. Again, I invite you to choose.

How do I tear down a wall?

I will name the main approaches, among them there is yours.

  1. Wait and mature.

The most difficult way, suitable only for deeply intuitive people who know how to "feel the moment."

If you cannot go to the “other” side, then you are not ready yet. A lot of everything has accumulated in your soul that requires inner awareness. Or you don’t feel ready to start a new life. Then - ripen, relying on your intuition. In one truly wonderful moment, you can easily step forward and the wall will collapse by itself.

Secret: Know that change is inevitable. Be 100% confident that take a step forward. The feeling of certainty does not come from somewhere outside, but from within you. If you are intuitive, then you understand well what I'm talking about. People like you have a phrase in their vocabulary “I felt it couldn’t be any different”

2. Small business

How to start a new life - start with a small, but cardinal. Women often intuitively do just that.

I went and made a new haircut. I bought a new blouse. I called and signed up for the procedure. Removed an unnecessary contact from the notebook. I bought a plane ticket.

Everything, the point of no return is passed.  The main thing is not to look back.

This does not require global moral or physical effort. In standby mode - hop! - and that’s it. Without hesitation. An option for those who are supported - the outside world and 5 human senses.

Secret: to feel that the world has inevitably changed. That is, yesterday, before your act, it was so, but now it is different. Even if the difference in fact is only in the color of your hair, but according to the sensations - everything is different! You are different. This means that the new “I” can destroy any wall.

3. Salvation Army

If you are ready - attract close people to help. Delegate tasks. May you languid and
helpless trustees move towards the beginning of a new life. And you will be able to thank when you are capable!

This method is suitable for those who live in communication. In whose house the doors never close, who has a “support group” - sisters, brothers, friends, pals, with whom you can not only talk, but also be silent.

Secret: do not interfere. The task of the Salvation Army is to save you, not to work with objections. If there are too many objections, add to the list of rescuers another psychologist who will professionally defeat your “cockroaches”.

Sign up for a consultation with me

"I have to be perfect."
  Reward Systems

"I have to be perfect."

We previously explored a subconscious goblin named Fear of Mediocrity. Now we are smoothly approaching the belief system that underlies this: “I have to be perfect.”

As we established during our study of the Fear of Mediocrity, Perfectionism is one of the greatest provocateurs of anxiety. Its consequences include: procrastination, uncertainty, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken relationships and more. We all suffer from bouts of perfectionism from time to time, and then we are horrified by a mistake. But some of us are in constant battle with these self-destructive beliefs.

“I have to win this contest”
  “I have to do this job flawlessly.”
  “I have to be the best”

Please note that each such perfectionist internal conversation has the word “must”. Even if the word should not be pronounced, it is certainly implied. Whenever you feel that you should, you are caught in a skillet. You fell victim to a relationship that says: "any imperfect fulfillment of desire is unacceptable." But perfect does not exist among people.

Some of you certainly understand that the concept of perfection is possible only ideally and motivates you to search for the best in yourself. Indeed, this part of you wants to develop ideas, plans, goals and then turn them into reality. However, another part of you that is constrained by perfectionism refuses to let the ball roll (change and develop).

Your logic tells you that no matter what you do, it will most likely not be perfect. It is already difficult for someone to endure the obsession with perfection, psychological pain, humiliation and self-loathing, which are the result of this impossible standard.

Effects? Whenever the part of you that wants to achieve begins to move toward the door of self-discipline, your perfectionist part greases the handle. This behavior is Hyde's attempt to avoid the impending concern that you have touched imperfection.

Tip:  You will create more self-discipline and achievement by accepting that the belief “I must be perfect” is a hindrance, not a help, regardless of your efforts. The statement “you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all”, as a rule, means that it will not be done. But if you challenge this irrational belief as soon as it arises, you will soon realize that the reality of achieving the result is nicer than the dream of perfection.

Caution: Hyde will try to connect you with perfectionism and push you away from self-discipline by saying:

“You don’t want to write a bad report, do you?”

“You don’t want to do the job sloppy, right?”,

“You don’t want to be called incompetent?”

Do not let yourself be fooled. Of course, different projects require a different amount of attention, time and effort. Trust in your feelings of the necessary and necessary level of effort that you want to make to the project.

Perfectionism weakens perseverance. And perseverance gives more achievements than talents, intelligence or luck. In fact, the path to achieving the goal is through perseverance.

“Nothing in the world can replace persistence.
  Only talent cannot: there is nothing more common,
  than unrealized talent.
  Only education cannot: the world is full of educated losers.
  Persistence alone is omnipotent. ”
  Calvin Coulage

Here are simple, enjoyable and effective exercises that you can use to educate your subconscious mind, thanks to which it really realizes that nothing bad will happen if you do not make a specific project perfectly.

Try it:  over the next few weeks, write some mediocre letters to different friends. You should not pretend to mind, genius or perfection, but do not say that these are just unsubscribing. In other words, in the letter do not apologize for insufficient perfection. You are not writing a Great American Novel. Do not tie your self-esteem to the event. Do not spend much time on being methodical, the task is to quickly write a mediocre letter and continue your ordinary life. Your power is all content considerations. As for the length - make it short. Once again: under no circumstances do not admit that the mediocrity of writing is your goal.

By performing this exercise, you really reprogram your attitude towards perfectionism, both conscious and unconscious.

Powerful Tool: Reward Systems

Have you ever used a carefully thought out, structured reward system to help you start and end your projects? If not, you should develop it. You are about to learn a simple system that will motivate you to act. The system will also reduce the conflict between you and Hyde when it is time to act and you will encounter real steps leading you towards your goal. But, in the beginning, a few words about rewards.

In human relationships, rewards have historically been used to maintain desired behavior. Tons of research highlight the benefits of rewards. Systematic rewards are the golden key that will painlessly open the door to your self-discipline. Based on the foregoing, let's quickly deal with Hyde's tricks before they begin. One of Hyde’s favorite tricks is to say something like: “I don’t deserve a reward for what I should do anyway”, “I think it’s wrong to give myself a reward, it's like a bribe”, “the feeling of a job well done “A sufficient reward for me.”

Do not buy it. Hyde uses such a cunning line of behavior to prevent you from using the power of the reward system to fuel your self-discipline. Do you feel that you are taking a bribe, taking a check with a salary at work? Of course not. Unfortunately, “well-done work” will not strengthen your positive actions so much as to be sure that you will repeat them. To do this, you need psychological motivation that only tangible rewards can give. Successful self-discipline requires learning and regular use of the benefits of a reward system. Believe me, rewards are the easiest, most effective and affordable way of psychological motivation for starting and completing your projects.
  People who attended my workshops, seminars, and trainings have noted the great benefits of a personal reward system that includes Praise, Contracts, and Gradual Steps.

1) Praise Yourself:  Every time you take even the smallest steps towards a big goal, immediately accompany your action with praise. Correctly, immediately note every positive thought, feeling or action, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to you, as a supportive internal dialogue.
  For instance:

For instance:
  “I feel great because I did it.”
  "Congratulations! You did it"
  “Great done!”

The beauty of this method is that you can use it anytime, anywhere. After some time, these small phrases will begin to weaken your resistance to doing what you need, but do not want to. Give it a try! Soon you will begin to feel more and more comfortable when you take the next step towards your goal. And immediately patting yourself on the shoulder, at the end of each step, you increase the level of self-esteem, which is a key ingredient in the recipe for self-discipline.

Tip:  Try to use the words of someone from your past that once supported you. Try to hear the sound of this person’s voice. This will give you additional subconscious power for interactions with Hyde, with that part of you that does not want self-discipline. But remember, this technique is only one third of the reward system that you will use. Repeat them often, but build phrases short and simple. Short phrases such as “good work”, “do not give up”, “you will succeed”, said in a firm and confident voice, work psychological miracles. This technique is too simple not to use it constantly.

Important:  if you stumble in self-discipline, do not scold yourself. Do not call yourself stupid, lazy or stubborn. This type of internal dialogue is ineffective, it is a hidden form of punishment and works to lower your level of self-esteem. Encourages change behavior better than punishments. Therefore, when you stumble and you stumble because you are a person, tell yourself: “I stumbled. Nothing wrong. Next time I will do better. " Right, loosen your grip. And even if you get the feeling that you should be heavily criticized for a mistake, the truth is that your effectiveness over a long distance will be higher if you do not punish yourself at all. Therefore, as soon as you hear Hyde's attacks, transform them into a couple of soothing and understanding messages for yourself. And make sure that you are smiling at the same time - so your subconscious mind will finally be convinced that you are not angry with yourself.

2) Contracts:  Contracting with yourself is a powerful psychological tool that you can use to encourage every step you take to achieve your goal. You conclude a contract with yourself just as you conclude a contract with another person. When concluding a contract with yourself, be precise in describing actions and rewards. Sometimes translating an agreement into numbers helps.

For example: Every time I work for thirty minutes on a task from my to-do list, I reward myself with thirty minutes of watching TV, because I honestly deserve it. ”

“For every box that I fill and take out of the garage, I will put five dollars into the fund, which will be used to purchase with impunity the new ____________________ that I wanted to buy.”

For every kilogram of weight I lose, I will put $ 10 in the weekend trip fund in ________________ that I wanted to make.

Tip:  Simple written agreements with yourself will give you more energy of self-discipline than verbal. The act of writing, physiologically and psychologically, draws you into the agreement, thereby adding even more energy to your efforts.

3) Gradual Steps:  Perhaps this is the most powerful tool in any reward system. Remember that all your self-discipline projects should be based on a step-by-step method and every step should be rewarded. This is true no matter how small the step, or how small the reward. Because the first few steps in a project may seem too small to deserve a reward, many people make the mistake of postponing rewards before they complete the larger, visible, or difficult steps of their project. This approach leads to the opposite result, since it ignores the psychological benefits of a solid reward system that runs throughout the project.

In other words, using the awards at the beginning, middle and end of the project, you will get a psychological boost from the realization that the whole project received pleasant rewards, not just results. It can also help you when you approach those parts of your project that are outside your comfort zone. It will also help you get started on your next project.

Rewards give you extra strength to negotiate with Hyde. You know that Hyde loves better than anyone on this planet. Use this knowledge to make Hyde work for you, rather than against you.

Exercise: Create a list of rewards.

And now, the time has come to create together a simple reward system based on your own preferences. Do this exercise in writing, not just think it over. This will come in handy later. All you have to do is grab a piece of paper and a pen. Then you need to write down all the things that you like to do for fun, I repeat, just for fun. Think of movies, trips, courses, television, concerts, adult toys, clothes and the like and so on. The longer the list, the better.

When your first ideas run out, the list is not yet complete. Expand it as soon as you can come up with additional pleasures. Always replenish the list as soon as you think about additional pleasures. Make sure each item on your list is numbered. Do not worry about the order in which rewards appear on the list. It is important that each item is described briefly. A word like “movie” fits well.

Do not complicate this exercise, do not turn it into a routine. You describe the rewards, fill the list with joy. Write down many wonderful pleasures! Each reward from your list will be a powerful tool in your negotiations with Hyde. Therefore, do not relate to this after the sleeves! Your reward list is as important to self-discipline as your to-do list. Moreover, it is important to write out awards, and not just think about them. We will use your list in combination with the Action Plan, which will appear later. I repeat: the reward system is a key ingredient in your recipe for self-discipline. So, generously use rewards and your self-discipline will taste much better.

Example: List of Rewards

My rewards.

  1. Go to the cinema
  2. Rent a movie
  3. Dine in a good restaurant.
  4. Buy a pair of too expensive shoes
  5. Fifteen minutes chatting on the phone
  6. Dumb watching TV with popcorn, one hour
  7. Relax on the beach, one hour
  8. Weekend Holidays
  9. One week vacation
  10. Go feed the ducks
  11. All day movies
  12. View play
  13. Read book chapter
  14. Read full book
  15. Buy magazine
  16. Read magazine
  17. Hour of listening to music
  18. Go to a music concert

MKOU Zavodousspensky secondary school No. 23 T of the Ugolymsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region.

Research project on the topic:

“A reward in our home”

Kurskiev Yusup Alikhanovich,

student 1 class.

Scientific adviser:

Kurskieva Nadezhda Sagitovna

pDO teacher

1 slide Introduction

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in World War II. The events of those formidable years go farther and farther away from us, less and less survivors of this great battle. But the memory of this holy war, the feat of our soldiers and home front workers, the prisoners of the fascist camps, the greatest suffering and selfless courage of the Soviet people should live in the heart of every citizen of Russia.

2 slide   Project idea:

The Great Patriotic War is the only thing that continues to unite all of us, regardless of age, nationality, religion, material wealth.

3 slide

Goal:Learning the history of family rewards


1. To get acquainted with the life story of my great-grandfather.

2. Examine the family photo archive, get acquainted with the award.

3. To study the history of the award "For the Defense of Leningrad"

An object:the life of my great-grandfather Kurskiev Hadris Ibrahimovic.

Hypothesis:My great-grandfather lived an interesting and dignified life and became an example for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Project stages

1 Select a theme and object.

2 Information gathering (conversation, photos, interviews).

3 Conducting a survey.

4 Registration of work (project)

5 Protection of the project.

5 slide

Main part

I conducted research on the award in our home. I learned a lot from the stories of my grandfather Magamed, from documents that we took together with my father’s aunt Hava from the archive in Nazran, from newspaper clippings. And this is what I managed to find out.

My great-grandfather Kurskiev Khadris Ibragimovich was born in 1912 in the village of Lyazhgi, Dzhairahsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

6 slide

In 1940 he married and in May 1941 was called up for active military service and enlisted in the construction battalion of military unit No. 554.

7 slide

But the warrior was not allowed to build. Having passed the course of a young soldier, my great-grandfather took the Military Oath on July 15, 1941, and was appointed shooter.

8 slide

A year and a half, until the end of 1942, he defended the city on the Neva as part of the troops of the Leningrad Front. It was the most difficult time in the history of World War II. For his military work, the Red Army soldier Khadris Kurskiev was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad."

9 slide

I learned from the Internet that  The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is awarded to all participants in the defense of Leningrad.

My great-grandfather still had the Order of the Patriotic WarII  degrees. Order of the Patriotic WarI  andII The degree was established on May 20, 1942. This was the first award that appeared during the war years. This order was awarded to soldiers who distinguished themselves in the fight against the Nazis.

10 slide

In December 1942 he was hospitalized with concussion and a moderate degree wound. He was cured and again in battle.

At the next offensive, my great-grandfather wounded again. Moreover, the interval between the injuries was two months. If in the first case the wound was penetrating, then the wound received on March 28, 1943 was much more serious - a blind fragmentation wound of the right wrist joint with damage to the bones and tendon extensors. After this wound, he was sacked and declared by the military commission unfit for service in wartime.

11 slide

1944 was the "Stalinist repression" - a link to Kazakhstan. The Ingush people had to go through hunger, cold, hardships and hardships, and with it, my great-grandfather and his family, and five young children who were born in exile.

12 slide

My great-grandfather returned with his family (he had four daughters and two sons) to his homeland in the native village of Lyazhgi in 1960

13 slide

and immediately set about fulfilling his dream of growing a garden.

14 slide

In this he was helped by fellow villagers, friends from different republics of the USSR, who sent seedlings, sons and daughters.

And his work was rewarded.

15 slide

Today, not only the villagers of my great-grandfather harvest a rich crop from the garden he planted, but also the inhabitants of neighboring villages.

16 slide

My great-grandfather died at the age of 75 years of 1986 on June 12.

17 slide

His death was a consequence not only of military heavy wounds, but in many ways the loss of his beloved son, Mahmoud. This death knocked him down.

18 slide

At this time, for all the merits of my great-grandfather and the petitions of his fellow villagers, children, relatives, they want to name one of the streets by the name of my great-grandfather on Victory Day.

20 slide

I continued my research work by questioning students in our school.

Analysis of the results of the survey

21 slide

I was interviewed by students in grades 1-4 and charts 1, 2, and 3 were made.

To the question: “What do you know about the history of the family award”

(Diagram 1).

Diagram 1.

22 slide

Question number 2

“What do you know about how your grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived after the Great Patriotic War?”

Caused difficulty among students (Diagram 2).

The answers were not widespread, general - like: “poor and hard”, “worked hard”.

Diagram 2.

And, of course, all the guys surveyed would like to know more about the life of their ancestors.From the answers to the last question in the questionnaire:

23 slide

1 “Do you know who can help you learn more about the life of your family?”

Chart 3

24 slide


We, their descendants, are obligated to keep this memory of them and pass it on from generation to generation

25 slideConclusion

In conclusion, I concluded that my great-grandfather, Kurskiev Khadris Ibragimovich, lived a worthy life. He was and will remain for all the model of a man with a capital letter.I am proud of my great-grandfather!

I want to become like my great-grandfather - patient, persistent and consistent.

26 slide

In memory of my great-grandfather, I made an album with my own hands and called it “A reward in our house”

In the course of my work, I learned:

    • the history of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” and for what it was awarded;

      traced the life path of his great-grandfather.

And also in the process of solving research problems, my classmates became interested in the fate of their ancestors.

Schoolchildren’s interest is evidence of relevancemy work.

Thanks for attention.

List of sources and literature

1. All awards of Russia and the USSR. Orders, medals and badges / M.A.

Izotova, T.B. Tsareva. - Rostov n / a: Vladis, 2009 .-- 432 p.

2. New children's encyclopedia / Per. from English S.V. Morozova, S.V. Lyapkova, V.V.

Plesheva et al. - M.: CJSC "ROSSMEN-PRESS", 2012-320 s.

3. I know the world. Children's Encyclopedia: Awards / Auth. - comp. A.A. Yakovlev; - M: LLC "Publishing house AST"; LLC PublisherAstrel; NPP Ermak CJSC,

2004 .-- 473 p.

4. Internet resources.

5 Documents from the archive of Nazran

In February, I received the Liebster Blog Award. Receiving such an award is a sign of appreciation, a symbol that the blog is loved and read.

The award was presented to me by Nina Ganina, author of the Jesperryn blog. It is very pleasant that Nina noted in my blog the points that are so important to me. So, I manage to convey my thoughts correctly to the reader.

The Liebster Blog Award must:

  1. Write a reward post. Leave an open link to the blog, the author of which gave you the award, and answer 11 questions of this author.
  2. Create a list of 5-11 award-winning winning blogs and ask winners to answer 11 questions.


What is beauty for you?

Beauty for me is in the details that support a common theme or concept. Beauty is a very broad concept, but it applies literally to everything. This is a beautiful house, and a beautiful girl, how to behave beautifully in some situation. In what we do, there should always be a single goal, an understanding of what we want to achieve.

What is your favorite character from a book or movie and why?

“Those who believe that orange will replace pink are deeply mistaken!” Said El Woods, the blonde in law. If no one believes in you and everyone considers you a fool, then you just need to go to the store, buy a pink laptop and kick everyone's ass. Well, manicure, of course, has not been canceled

Tell us about one phenomenon that you would correct in this life.

When I was little and dreamed of a magic wand, I wanted to make peace in the world. Now I would like people to listen to each other and hear, so that two people appreciate the relationship, do not swear and do not quarrel over trifles, they would be able to hear and understand what the partner is saying to them. So that people are attentive to each other and careful with the relationships that they have.

Imagine that you briefly returned to the past, five years ago, and you can give yourself one important piece of advice. What would you say?

Be brave! In general, I have an approach that I do not regret anything. Everything that happens, I think, should happen, because we have to learn from this some lessons and some experience. It sounds, of course, terribly boring and philosophical, but it is. From my whole life I would like to change, perhaps, only the case when my sister and I accidentally broke my mother’s crystal vase in my childhood, but otherwise I would have left everything as it is.

Why did you decide to start a blog?

In 2002, when I started my first blog, it was just fun. I found out about LJ, I liked reading the blogs of others, as if you were reading other people's diaries, but it seemed like with their permission, and I wanted something like that. My return to Brazil prompted me to re-read my notes 10 years ago - oh, how differently I wrote then. “The house you want to come to” is a completely different blog. Behind it was an idea, but most importantly, my desire to create and share. Well, I was envious of some successful bloggers to death and wanted to “like them.”

What should your dream blog look like?

My dream blog is an Internet platform, thanks to which I develop myself and develop my business projects. And then, probably, everything is like everyone else. The usual desires of a simple blogger. A clear focused concept that is understandable to my audience, a beautiful and understandable design, good photos that I take myself, high-quality texts that are pleasant to read, regular updates, many positive comments, regular readers.

What goals do you want to achieve with blogging?

Thanks to the blog, I hope to find people who share my ideas and interests and, hopefully, in the future will support the commercial projects that I would like to organize. This is the main goal, of course, on the way to this, but in addition to this I like that blogging disciplines me, makes me write, take pictures, come up with new ideas and projects.

What is more important - to learn from mistakes or from successes?

But who knows, it seems to me that the main thing is to study, not to stand still and develop. I often think so much about something, try to weigh everything, think it over and do it perfectly, that as a result, time runs out and nothing happens - this is wrong. No need to bother, you need to make mistakes, achieve success.

What do you do if you feel sad?

Usually I turn on Norah Jones, drink wine, eat cheese, call my sister or best friend and noah.

What was the most unusual job you had to do?

In early 2002, I studied in Finland. Of course, there wasn’t much money. And although the college provided me with a dormitory, meals and even a dry ration for the weekend, I still wanted to go to the store and buy ice cream for myself. Although, to be honest, I was more hanging out in office stores, where I was fascinated by looking at colored folders. Then I was offered the job of folding booklets. Pages were laid out in bundles in the room; it was necessary to collect booklets in the correct order. It’s not difficult at all, although not very intellectually, but since it was civilized Finland, they paid me the minimum wage per hour set by the state (something like 5 euros). I remember, it seemed to me that this is a very good deal.

If you were writing a book about yourself, what would be its title?

Probably, it would be called the same as my LiveJournal and Butusov’s song. “A girl walks barefoot around the city.”


Here are five great blogs I would like to pass on the Liebster Blog Award. Congratulations to the winners, and I urge everyone else to take a walk on the links, it will be interesting.

Such a simple life. Blonde Julia writes about lipsticks, scarves, shoes and manicure, as well as about things that are so distant for me, like a husband and two boys, one of which cuts his bangs and the other chews tea towels with interest. This is incredibly funny, and I sincerely believe that Julia urgently needs to find some editor and publish a book with her notes.

Uxevent. Anya Dvornikova shares observations, chips and thoughts about event management. Her blog has many interesting findings, as well as practical materials that can be used to organize the event - from a round table to a large conference.

Think Pink. Date Pink. A positive blog by an anonymous author about women, men, the intricacies of their relationship and the search for Mr. Big. If you, like me, miss the series Sex and the City, then you should read. Get ready to laugh a lot.

Like in the movies . The site of my sister Sophia about her life, which is like a film, about beautiful places, smart books, adventures in search of lighthouses, gatherings in the kitchen and in cozy cafes, and of course, about films. The blog is full of doodling illustrations and vibrant photos - only from them the mood already rises.

Niklenburg The blog of Lena and Nikita about their year-round travel around the world. In addition to the story of their journey (and, believe me, it is worth reading), the guys share tips on how to travel independently and without cost, and most importantly, how to find simple joys on travel.


  1. If there was a time machine, where would you like to go?
  2. What can't you go past?
  3. Do you like order?
  4. What lies on your bedside table?
  5. Which country would you like to go to?
  6. What do you bring as a keepsake and travel?
  7. What are you dreaming about?
  8. Tell us about your first concert you attended.
  9. Tell us about the most unusual birthday you had.
  10. What surprises you?
  11. What makes you happy?