What is happiness?

If you want to be happy - be it!

Probably, each of us thought about what happiness is. This is an eternal question that excites people. If you ask a hundred people what they find happiness in, believe me, there will be a hundred different answers. This means that each person sees and understands happiness in different ways, in his own way. So what is happiness?

To become happy, someone just needs to eat enough, someone needs to go south or buy a beautiful thing, and someone needs to cure a sick animal. ... It all depends on the person. Sometimes happiness is imperceptible, it quietly snoozes in you and sings softly. For example, I look out the window, see the sun - and suddenly I feel: waves of happiness run through my whole body. These are amazing moments, and they need to be able to detect. From such tiny fragments the stained-glass window of our life is made. You need to live and feel every day, so as not to say in old age: "I had a gray and boring life! I have nothing to remember and tell."

And where to find happiness? Yes, and it does not need to be looked for: it is very close. Just some do not notice it or do not want to notice it. You just look around and take a look, and you will certainly find him. Everyone has happiness, it is in everyone, it is inside. All that is needed is to be able to see and feel it and to be able to give. Caring for the happiness of others, we find our own ... It is all around, it is in us! When you are happy, your life turns into music, it never ceases to sound. And what kind of music of life sounds in you, it depends only on the person himself. If the music is bright, fast, loud, making you dance, then you are the happiest person in the world. But if the music is quiet, boring, slow, then you are depressed, depressed. Therefore, you can not sit still and wait for something. Happiness can be grown in yourself ... Yes, yes !!! It is to grow up like a little kitten. To grow from a pleasant word spoken to you, a casual smile of a passer-by, from a call from an old friend and birdsong ...

Happiness is always different, different for everyone, but everyone equally wants to find it. Happiness - giving gifts and helping people. Happiness is to look at the fire in the fire and sing along with the guitar. Happiness - hold hand with a loved one, walk, feed the pigeons. Happiness is giving oneself and not demanding anything in return. Happiness is to have friends. Happiness is to be able to laugh. Happiness is to live for today, enjoy every minute and gratefully accept everything that life gives you. For happiness it is necessary to love, to love without a trace and without an edge, to love and not wait for anything in return. To be able to live so that later there is something to remember and what to convey. And most importantly - do not regret anything !!! There is a fair expression: "What happens to a person is what he is predisposed to." Whether a person will be happy depends not only on what he encounters in life, but also on how he reacts to everything that happens to him, that is, happiness is not what we possess, but how we react to it. “I like to wake up in the morning, not knowing what awaits me, with whom I will meet and where I will find myself later. Until recently, I slept under a bridge, and today I’m sailing on a magnificent ship, drinking champagne in a refined society ... Life is a gift and it must be appreciated, it is impossible to guess what will happen to you tomorrow. Life must be accepted as it is. Every lived day is important ... ", - says the main character from the movie" Titanic ".

What is happiness? Perhaps this is a child living in the soul of every person. Therefore, I recall the following lines:

Save your baby

So dreamlike

Where is the soul ... the bell is ringing

Glorifying kindness ...

Or maybe happiness is ... a smile! It does not cost anything, but it gives a lot. It pleases those who receive it, lasts moments, and sometimes it always remains in memory. It creates happiness in the house, serves as a password for friends. But you still can’t buy it, you can’t beg it, you can neither borrow nor steal it, because it alone is not good for anything until it has been given away!

Everyone in this world is happy. Yes Yes! You can say that this is not so. But the time will come, and you will understand it. Indeed, for an ordinary person, happiness is when there is education, a strong and friendly family, and good connections in society. This fact was recently deduced by American scientists.

But if you think well and think alone with yourself, then it turns out that happiness lies in every little thing: how beautiful it is to wrap yourself in a blanket on a cold winter evening, get old photographs and remember joyful moments or dream about what will happen. This is happiness. People chase after him and do not understand that this is just a word, feeling, minutes, hours, days, eternity ...

Reading time 8 minutes

Everyone knows what happiness is, but few can explain what human happiness is. After all, being constantly in a state in the pursuit of happiness, a person misses great opportunities here and now. In this article, we will try to explain to our readers what determines a person’s happiness and what it means to be happy. Let’s see what human happiness depends on.

Happiness is a bad topic for writers. It is too pretty by itself ... It does not require comment. © R. Walser

What is happiness and what does it depend on

Happiness is not money, not a position, or even a failed relationship with a loved one. Anyone who calls a rich or successful person happy makes a huge mistake. After all, it is up to him to determine whether a person is happy or not.

To be happy, you need to achieve your own satisfaction with your life, a positive assessment of the conditions of your life. This is a condition in which a person feels the fullness, meaningfulness of his life, realizes his purpose and successfully implements it.

In other words, if a person is happy with the way he lives, he can call himself happy. And it does not make him so wealth or achievements, but only an attitude towards himself and the world around him. History knows many examples when people who have achieved unprecedented heights, considered themselves deeply unhappy. And vice versa, a homeless person may be happy, who is quite satisfied with his life and his life.

What determines a person’s happiness is the subject of many psychological studies and works. To say unequivocally that the leading psychotherapists managed to uncover the secret of happiness and to give a universal prescription to all people how to become content with their lives, it would be premature and biased.

Many polls and observations are based on work with a certain contingent of people who have their own, subjective opinion about happiness. For some, this is a carefree and carefree life, others see happiness in being useful and useful to their loved ones, others believe that the happy ones are those who experience the triumph of victories, and who are carried by many admirers.

You can try to analyze some areas of activity and conditions of a person’s condition, which most of all influence his happiness. It should not be forgotten that people can consider themselves happy only with a successful combination of the factors described by us.

Each of them alone will not bring happiness:

  • happiness as the absence of feelings and suffering;
  • happiness as a positive assessment of success in working on oneself;
  • happiness as a struggle against destructive thoughts;
  • happiness as a successful personal life;
  • happiness and good health.

Your happiness depends on your success in working on yourself

Each person who has decided to achieve their goals draws up a comprehensive program of work on themselves. It looks like a list of goals, methods for achieving them, and an assessment of intermediate results. In this case, what a person’s happiness depends on is the joy of the goals achieved, and the tasks performed.

Most importantly, it does not depend on the areas in which a person receives the desired results, and with them positive emotions. The opinion of strangers cannot influence this state; if a person is happy, then it simply does not interest him.

If someone decided to set a specific goal, they should write on a piece of paper:

  • task
  • method of its implementation;
  • the result obtained;
  • results and conclusions.

We give an example. One person makes the following entry: “To master a new computer program, and use it to create an unusual interior design” - “Take specialized courses, do it yourself hourly a day” - “I managed to draw up a project that aroused the praise of the leader, and I was paid a good reward "-" I have achieved my goal! I'm happy!"

Here is another person’s task: “I want to learn how to bark like a dog” - “I will portray a dog in front of a mirror hour by day, and imitate her barking” - “I did great, and now I can amuse and amuse my friends in the company” - “I am happy, my friends had so much fun that now I decided to learn how to meow!”

The main thing in these examples is that both people became happy, although their tasks, goals and the results of their implementation differed significantly in practical results. This is the answer to the question on which the happiness of a person depends.

Happiness is a constant struggle with destructive thoughts

Happiness depends, first of all, on a person’s sense of self. But what kind of positive state can one speak of if he lives as if captive with destructive thoughts that destroy him from the inside and do not give even an attempt to change his mood?

There are times in the life of every person when he begins to think about why he lives, why he cannot achieve any results. He concludes that he probably has such a fate, and to change anything is not in his power. To the question of what determines the happiness of man, he will not find the right answer.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, these are just thoughts, and nothing more. But here the pitfall is hidden, because such a person has a desire to change something, start a new life, in other words, correct the situation. Leaving everything to chance, he can never call himself happy.

It turned out that he was led by his own harmful thoughts, and became indifferent to himself and his fate. To explain to him what a person’s happiness depends on is not an easy task.

To be happy, you need to learn how to manage your thoughts. Many interesting and useful articles have been written about this, and the most important thing here is the desire to begin this process, and as soon as possible.

One such way of controlling thoughts is self-hypnosis. Repeat to yourself a simple phrase: “I deserve happiness, and everything is very good with me!” In no case should you allow thoughts that you will not succeed, or, moreover, that you are a loser. In such cases, even the thoughts themselves and their consequences will do more harm. You will begin to approach each undertaking with confidence in failure, and it is not surprising that they will end unsuccessfully, and you will not understand what human happiness depends on.

It is very useful to conduct meditation classes. Getting to them is not so easy, but there is nothing particularly complicated about them either. You will learn to control your thoughts, you will be able to change your mind, and you will have a completely different attitude to your life. You realize that a lot of it does not deserve the close attention that you paid to this earlier, and you will understand what a person’s happiness depends on.

What is the happiness of the child and why does it depend

Children cannot make decisions on their own, they live under the constant supervision of their parents, and under their influence they perceive the world around them. First of all, it depends on them whether their child will be happy, or will begin to feel flawed, insecure, insecure.

In childhood, every word heard from adults is taken seriously and remembered for life. Some parents make a grave mistake, suggesting to their children that they must prove in their life that they are worth something, otherwise they will remain “nobody” and “nothing”. Such an approach is dangerous because the child will have a disastrous opinion that he is incapable, weak, real "Nobody." Moreover, this conviction may “linger” with him until adulthood. Do you think he can become truly happy?

If scandals or clarifications of relations occur in families, then children, first of all, suffer from this. The child believes that it is he who is the culprit of what is happening, and at first the guilt complex, and then the inferiority complex, begins to form in him. Children perceive all situations differently from adults, and therefore their happiness depends primarily on the attitude of their parents to them.

If a child is convinced that he is capable, intelligent, that they love him, they take care of him, then he will treat himself with sufficient self-respect, and it will be quite realistic to become happy with him in adulthood. The happiness of a child is to feel necessary, loved, desired. If all parents understood this, humanity would receive entire generations of happy people.

How happiness depends on health

If you talk about what a person’s happiness depends on, it’s worth talking about how his state of health affects him. It is not in vain that at all holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, the heroes of the occasion wish to wish for "happiness and health."

A sick person, it would seem, cannot be happy by definition. Of course, if his ailment is associated with constant monstrous pains, talking about happiness would be superfluous. Such people are most likely unhappy because they live in ongoing suffering.

If a person’s state of health is not so critical, then to be happy with him or to remain discouraged and in a state of detachment is a matter of his choice. Many people who had incurable illnesses felt truly happy. They rejoiced that they had lived their lives fulfilling their destiny and achieving their goals.

Remember, happiness does not depend on whether you have any kind of illness or not. It depends on how you feel about it. If you set yourself up for the fact that you should live happy until the last breath, no matter what, any illness will be nothing for you. You will begin to receive joy from every day you live.

Happiness depends on ourselves, so if everything is in order with your health, you should lead the right lifestyle to avoid problems with it in the future. Of course, a person cannot be insured against everything, but the probability of getting sick with a balanced diet, playing sports will be much lower. You will live with the belief that you will not get sick, and it will be she who will accompany your happiness.

What is human happiness

People always blame the force of circumstances. I do not believe in the power of circumstances. In this world, only those who seek the conditions he needs and, if he does not find success, create them himself. © Bernard Shaw

What determines the happiness of a person who is engaged in self-development? It will directly depend not so much on his successes as on their evaluation by the person himself. There are so many people who have made significant achievements, but constantly look sad and dull. They are dissatisfied with the results of their activities, it always seems to them that they have not done enough for their development. The trick is that, even achieving new goals, they still remain unhappy.

Happiness does not depend on career growth, but on how much a person perceives his progress. If his progress at work is accompanied by successful relationships with his beloved people, for the sake of which he, in fact, is trying, he will certainly be truly happy.

Trying to understand what a person’s happiness depends on, many people focus on life circumstances. Often they pronounce the phrase: "lucky!". They cannot, or do not want to understand, that luck and happiness are concepts that stand side by side, but are not at all synonymous.

There are very good methods of attracting good luck, and if you try to apply them in your life, you can notice how favorable circumstances will become to you:

  • learn to think positively;
  • imagine even unlikely things, giving scope for your own imagination;
  • stop being annoyed, angry, and even more so envious of others.

You will understand that happiness does not depend on circumstances. If you give them too much attention, you will be their slave or victim. Convince yourself that you are not dependent on circumstances, but rather, they are on you.

A happy person will remain happy no matter what happens. And under such people, those around them will begin to adapt themselves, thereby turning all circumstances into favorable ones.

He will serve as an example, infect with optimism, they will be drawn to him, they will want to listen to him. It is no exaggeration to say that happy people are changing this whole world for the better.

Summarizing briefly, it should be noted that happiness is a state of each person’s inner world, which cannot be equated with wealth, power, or office. It depends on ourselves, on our attitude to the world around us. No wonder they say that man is the master of his fate, and the smith of his own happiness.

Our world is full of many of the most diverse forms, types of material and spiritual concepts. One of them is happiness. This is of varying degrees of intensity: joy, pleasure, bliss. Satisfaction experienced by a person can be quiet, calm. Delight, bravado are expressed by a strong storm, with the head covering the lucky one.

To each - his own happiness

Dreams, desires, preferences and mores of people are so different that for each individual person the essence of happiness will be different, and sometimes make the exact opposite of the joys of others. So, for one person a jump from the bridge with an elastic band causes a flurry of emotions, unrestrained glee, and for another - horror and fear. Someone finds rapture in courage, in a dangerous work that allows you to show the strength of your character, for others an extreme situation - you can’t imagine worse.

A lot of people who believe that the essence of happiness is a responsible attitude to life and those around them, for them the most important thing is work, social activity, positive opinion of society. But there are as many individuals striving for momentary pleasure for themselves alone, for idleness, for entertainment.

Many women dream of having simple happiness, “feminine,” which consists in having a home, a full-fledged family, healthy children, and creating coziness. But nowadays we can observe career girls, feminists and lady childfree, who absolutely do not want to have children and find their happiness in their absence. Great joy can cause food or drinks, or trinkets, pleasant touches or lack of pain. A massage fan will dream of bodily pleasures for days on end, and a pathologically ill patient - a complete lack of sensations in the body.

Philosophical View of Happiness

Reflections on happiness are not new. The search for the meaning of life and eternal joy torment mankind for a long time, do not lose relevance today. The ancient philosophers of ancient time in understanding the essence of this sensation were divided into two directions: hedonistic and eudemonistic. The former considered momentary pleasures, sensual pleasures as happiness, and saw in them the purpose of life and the motives of human behavior. The second ones were inclined to believe that the essence of happiness lies in the complete achievement of any aspiration, and a positive assessment from the outside is necessary.

Exaggerating, one can imagine how some adherents of one ancient direction indulge in bodily joys day and night, are idle, while others are constantly searching, working on themselves and measuring their happiness see success in work and science, its appreciation by people. These opposing directions have not lost freshness over the past centuries. And today, one can observe how disagreements happen between supporters of two opinions about happiness. Sometimes even in the same family, right?

The beginning of a new era, the era of Christianity, was marked by the emergence of a new, gospel understanding. The fundamental thesis is "love is happiness." Only humility, acceptance of what has befallen a person, sacrificial love for loved ones is true Christian happiness. It comes to one who sincerely sacrifices, gives himself up and accepts all trials with love. In other cases, according to this philosophy, happiness is either impossible or false.

Medicine is about happiness

Medicine is an exact science and does not tolerate philosophy. The essence of happiness, according to medical professionals, is the presence and influence on the human body of a certain set of hormones: serotonin, endorphin and dopamine. Each of these hormones acts differently on a person and causes a different sensation.

So, for example, endorphins cheer up, do not let fear and fatigue prevail. Serotonin also gives a good mood, but adds physical activity, a desire to move and brings pleasure from it. Dopamine motivates to action. When there is a shortage of any so-called person, they experience discomfort, lethargy, and

From the point of view of scientific psychology ...

Scientific psychology sees other causes as a source of happiness. She calls happiness the harmony between the four spheres of a person’s life: health, family, work and peace of mind, that is, complete satisfaction of the individual. If in the life of an individual there is a balance between these four components, then he experiences happiness, according to psychologists.

To summarize

So what is really going on? What is the essence of happiness? It seems that in all of the above. You can safely agree with the philosophers of antiquity and the specialists of the modern world, with medical workers and psychologists, with women careerists and mothers, with the rest of humanity, for which all the charm of happiness is in its diversity, opposite, versatility and vivid manifestation. The most important thing is that happiness is everywhere, that it surrounds us from birth to death, which does not bypass a single inhabitant of the globe.

Each person understands the essence of happiness for himself in his own way. Every person in life has its own priorities, which determine its individual development. All the aspirations, goals and desires that we set for ourselves, ultimately should lead to the formation of feelings of deep inner satisfaction. Happiness is a genuine feeling of joy. At this moment you feel your indestructible unity with the whole world. There comes harmony, a sense of security and peace. Where there is happiness, families become stronger, love and understanding reign in them. What is this phenomenon?

To be youreself

The essence of happiness, one way or another, boils down to gaining the ability to remain holistic from within. A person truly satisfied with life has immeasurable opportunities to influence events. He will not allow others to treat himself unfairly, he will not unfairly endure resentment and humiliation. Wise people say that happiness is a kind of vaccine against stress. Even in a whirlpool of adverse events, a person who is satisfied with his position will not fall into despair. It is not so easy to unsettle him than an individual who is constantly doubting himself.

Each of us has the opportunity to be ourselves. This perspective means the rejection of all pretense and masks, profitable manipulation. When a person is engaged in what the soul lies to, he does not dissemble, but truly expresses to the world his own essence. Such a victory over oneself is worth a lot.

Stay baby

Sometimes it’s very sad to watch how adults tend to put on a mask of decency. And the more serious the society around them, the more spectacular the game becomes, the incredible psychological costs increase as well. These wasted efforts will never be returned to you. No need to strive to acquire a mask in order to attract the attention of society. There is always happiness. It is only necessary to learn to notice him behind the bustle of everyday reality.

The ability to remain a child at any age is an incredibly useful acquisition. You can really enjoy life, taking any event as a kind of game. Note that children are not taking anything too seriously. They know how to enjoy the process itself, and do not torment themselves with incessant thoughts about the result. This position reflects the very essence of happiness - to be able to enjoy everything that happens.

To love animals

Pets bring a lot of positive emotions. These impressions make us happy. When you start watching your pet, you involuntarily smile, shine with joy. Animals, like children, behave directly. They do not pretend, do not dissemble, do not seek any profit. There is happiness in life when you have a cute pet at home. You can devote a lot of time to a kitten or puppy, take care of it, buy food. If you have a place in your heart for the love of a little fluffy little ball, you will feel satisfied.

Pets can give life a special meaning. With their genuine participation in your destiny, everything around becomes bright, filled with lasting value. Caring for his little four-legged friend, a person learns to take responsibility for what is happening, to remain on a positive wave. If you really love animals, then in your heart there will always be a place for at least one of them.

The happiness of being at home

Here it is about finding your niche in life. Only in this case, you can remain pacified, being alone with the closest people. For each of us, a home is a favorite business, maybe a company in which we have to work for many years. An incomparable bliss appears in the soul when you come to your apartment after a working day, and you are met by relatives. Then you begin to feel that everything that is happening is not happening in vain, a special meaning lies in the simplest things. In a favorable home environment, a person can really relax and regain strength. The happiness of being at home is the joy of communicating with loved ones, with those who are dear to you and to whom you are not indifferent.

Meet a loved one

Thousands of people dream about it. The search for the second half is the need to be heard and accepted by the person closest in the world. Meeting with your loved one is a real test. With its successful passage, people begin to experience real happiness from interacting with their soulmate. With a loved one, the state of happiness increases.

As a rule, people mutually begin to gain a sense of security and integrity. They become truly needed for each other. When the fate of the second half takes on as much importance for you as your own, you can talk about the origin of true love. Meeting with someone you love helps you set priorities. The lover begins to care more about his chosen one, and not just about himself.

To be creative

Great creation is a constant, ongoing process of creation. Different life events push people to engage in human creativity. They can be both negative and positive. In any case, such creation makes it possible to develop talent, and promotes self-disclosure. If you notice a specific talent in yourself, then know that you simply have to work on it. As a result, you will begin to feel such happiness that you never knew before. Not everyone has happiness in the form of a favorite thing.

It is really worth being proud of yourself if this activity fills you with new forces, inspires you to accomplish. The ability to be creative, to think outside the box is initially available to every person. It's just that someone is really working on himself, making plans, striving for great achievements. Other people prefer to go with the flow, without spending a minute of strong-willed effort on themselves beloved.

Create enthusiastically

How many people do you know who go to work in the morning with pleasure? Most, unfortunately, greet the new day in a bad mood, frantically thinking about what matters need to be redone in the office. A smile becomes a luxury or a kind of feigned gesture. In fact, if you think seriously, it turns out that many people lose their ability to rejoice over the years. Enthusiastic creation is the privilege of units. The bulk will never know about the opportunity to look at the subject of their own creativity with enthusiasm.

If you learn to build by putting your heart into the business, then the result will not be long in coming. Not only will you succeed in the lesson itself (whatever it may be), you will also feel in yourself a huge supply of life-affirming energy.

Enlist the support of loved ones

Sometimes events happen in life that we are not able to control. It requires the participation of relatives and loved ones. Only in this case will a person feel truly protected from all kinds of negative influences. Enlisting the support of loved ones, you can achieve any of your goals, overcome significant obstacles. Happiness will become your constant companion if you learn to share heat with those who are nearby.

To be ready for the holiday

People themselves often limit themselves to entertainment. They do not allow you to feel joy and happiness at a time when their thinking is weighed down by negative thoughts. It must be said that all sorts of attitudes directly affect consciousness, influence decision making. It is impossible to seriously manage your life, if you do not know how to relax, you can not afford to have fun from the heart. When a person needs a good reason for a holiday, it means that he underestimates his own abilities too much.

To do good

Self-giving brings us closer to a state of integrity. It is never too late or too early to do selfless acts. Doing good is as important as taking care of yourself and loved ones. Without this, a person can never truly understand and feel genuine moral satisfaction. Giving part of our souls to the needy, we begin to understand the subtle laws of the universe. Happiness is not at all what is achieved once and for all. True good comes with selfless surrender.

Thus, the essence of happiness is to learn to accept your true nature and to realize it as fully as possible.

But what does it mean to be happy, what really is happiness, and how can one be happy when there are many worries and sorrows around? Happiness ... how much this word has meanings and emotions that all people have in their own way. There are so many people in the world and they all need happiness: someone is looking for him constantly, someone is wilted in sorrow and believes that he will never be happy, and someone is waiting and hoping that the day will come when he will be truly happy.

What is happiness for most people is to have a lot of money, prestige, and the honor of others. Yes, this is certainly good, but what about what is hidden inside you, what is our state of mind, what kind of relations are in the family and with relatives, relatives and friends. How can one call oneself happy without this? After all, you can be a successful businessman, have a lot of money, prestige and cars, but not have a loving family and peace of mind. Or maybe all the same family and peace of mind are more important than expensive cars, heaps of money and prestige?

“Happy is he who, with small means, enjoys a good mood, unhappy is one who, with large means, does not have spiritual fun” Democritus

Yes, everyone has different opinions on this matter and few still say that to be happy means to have money and prestige, that this is more important for them, that it gives them more joy than harmony in the family. Yes, and such people, as a rule, only keep in public with a smile on the street, when deep down - they are not very happy in reality. Who knows what is going on in their souls at those moments when they see who is truly happy, who has complete harmony with themselves and others, who gives warmth and care to those around them, and simply receives happiness from this.

“The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people” Denis Didro

What we do for others, helping them when they need our help, advice or support, and we receive real gratitude from them - this is happiness, that’s what it means to be happy, such happiness is very valuable, because helping others, we do something very important and necessary.

Help should be beneficial to the person to whom you provide it! If it does harm to him, if a person is not capable of appreciating your and your help and is trying to sit on your neck, becoming lazy and irresponsible in his behavior, then it’s better to refuse such help, she will not lead to anything good, nor him.

  - this is, first of all, a state of mind, it means to have harmony with yourself and the people around you. Happiness and harmony in the family is not so difficult, you just need to gain strength and work on yourself and on your character, and you will notice how loved ones will change with you.

Here are some tips, following them, you will begin to change relations with family for the better:

  1. If you haven’t done this before, now begin to wish your household good morning, good night, happy working day, good luck and success in your studies or work, etc.
  2. Eat everything together, gathering at the dinner table - it seems to be a simple trifle, but in fact, joint dinners say a lot, let this become your family tradition.
  3. Be sure to be interested in how each of you spent the day, and how interesting it is.
  4. Go on weekends with your household to nature, to visit, to relax. Spend more free time together, but not monotonously, sitting in front of the TV on the couch, and go out together to different places.
  5. Do not be rude, behave with others with restraint, communicate with respect, behave in the way you would behave with the boss (because you behave with dignity in front of him, so why can you give yourself weakness to your loved ones?)
  6. Grant each other with gentle words and compliments - it is very pleasant both for you and them.
  7. Help your loved ones, because after all they need exactly your support, care and help.

And this is just a small part of what you need to do so that there is harmony in the family in order to be happy. Performing even these 7 points - you will feel how relations in your family begin to improve, how it will be easier then to establish harmony with friends, relatives and colleagues. After all, the rules are the same for everyone, namely: respecting, giving care and support, helping and - you can get warm and friendly relations with any person, which is true happiness. Modern psychologists have proved that we experience much greater happiness when we serve others, when we give happiness to others, rather than when we satisfy our sensual needs, and all because serving is the nature of the soul, its deepest need.

How to be happy - get harmony with yourself and with people around you. Thanks to which you can easily reach great heights in your life and become a truly happy person!