Ignatov Nazar
On this day I want to congratulate YOU veteran!
  You have traveled more than one hundred thousand kilometers. Wore heavy shells. As soon as you graduated from school, many of you went to the front. We went on the attack, drove the enemy out of our country, bleed, but fulfilled their duty to the end. Thanks to your feat, we live in our country free and happy
  I want to SAY THANKS TO YOU for saving YOUR LIFE. I bow to you for YOUR DEATH, dear veteran !!!

Alina Semenova
  A letter to the veteran.
  Hello dear veteran! I congratulate you on May 9 - Victory Day. On this day, you won the Great Patriotic War, which lasted a long four years. I sincerely wish you happiness, health and long life.
  Reading books about the years of the war, I admired your exploits. Many rose to defend the homeland, took up arms and went to the front. You were there too. The rest worked in factories and made ammunition for our soldiers. The Nazis did not expect such powerful resistance from the Russians. Your main quality during the war was the solidarity that helped to win this terrible, unjust and brutal war. Those who could not get to the front organized partisan detachments and also struck at the enemy.
  Therefore, on this solemn day, I want to tell you, dear veteran:
  Thank you for living in a free country - Russia!

Alexandra Nikishova
  Letter to Veteran

Dear comrade, veteran! I appeal to you with words of gratitude.
  I want to wish you health, happiness, love, that you live happily ever after. And they never hurt. If you have children or grandchildren, then I want to wish them to help you always. Cheer up, life is full of joys. Be happy and enjoy every minute of your life. Become younger and younger and younger.
  I want to express my gratitude to you. If it weren’t for you, then we would all be gone now. Thank you for everything! Happy May 9 !!!

Lera Fetisova
Dear Veteran! For 4 long years you fought with the Germans. You were very brave and brave, endured pain. At that time, everyone was busy: someone fought, and someone worked in the rear for the front. The war was very scary. More than 20,000,000 people died. Thanks to you, we live now. I wanted to say: “Thank you!” and congratulate you on May 9th.

Pauline  Isaenkova
Hello dear veteran!

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday. First of all, I would like to express my great gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German invaders and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was shed, many people died, but despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Homeland. The logical result of your deprivations, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants recall all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And although the names of those who lie beneath these granite slabs are unknown, their feat, performed in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.

Bright memory to them!

And I wish you and your family good health and simple worldly happiness. In the end, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts.

Khvorostov Vadim
  Happy holiday to you! Happy 67th Victory Day! I wish you happiness! health! long time to live! Each new day may give you joy, peace! We remember your feat, we know the price of Victory. I bow to you and thank you so much for saving the world. Happy Anniversary! Happiness to you and your loved ones, combat comrades-in-arms who forged Victory!

Dychkova Alina
Hello dear veteran!
Congratulations on Victory Day!
Accept my words of the deepest gratitude and heartfelt gratitude for your great feat, for your love of life and the homeland!
Let me apologize for all the people who could ever offend you with a word, deed, or indifference. I wish you good health, long life. May peace, love and partly reign in your life!
Bondarenko Regina
Hello dear veteran!
On the eve of the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, I decided to write you a letter and congratulate you on this bright holiday !!! First of all, I would like to express my great gratitude to you for protecting our Fatherland from the German occupiers and saving our people from Nazi slavery. A lot of blood was spilled, many people died, but, despite all this, you did not surrender to cruel enemies, did not lose heart in the crucible of war, and defended our long-suffering Homeland! The logical result of your deprivations, your sleepless nights, your unparalleled courage was the Great Victory on May 9, 1945. On this beautiful spring day, grateful descendants recall all those who never returned from the battlefield, they carry flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And although the names of those who lie beneath these granite slabs are unknown, their feat, performed in the name of all mankind, is known to the whole world.
  Bright memory to them!
  The paths leading to these sacred places will never heal!
  A feat accomplished for the sake of the Fatherland will not be erased from our memory!
And I wish you and your family good health and just everyday happiness. In the end, I want to tell you that your feat, heroism and courage will forever remain in our hearts!

Trunyan Zarine

A letter to the veteran.
Hello, dear veteran. We are very proud of you. Thanks to you, we have a bright future. I will never forget your act. You fought for your homeland, risking your life. Many died in the war, but the names of the dead will always remain in our hearts. Every year on May 9th we celebrate Victory Day. This holiday is dedicated to you and other soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity.

Matrosova Ksenia

Letter to Veteran
  Hello dear Veteran! I am very grateful to you that you and your soldiers reached Berlin and saved our Motherland. You survived, you survived ...
  We are grateful to you for your courage and heroism!
  On your shoulders you have endured all the hardships of the four terrible years of the war, not
thinking about your own life. You defended the honor and freedom of the Fatherland!
  I wish you good health, well-being and all the best. Let your family and friends be happy!
Thank you today
For life, for childhood for spring.
For silence. For a peaceful house,
For the world in which we live!
Hello Victory Soldier!

Hello dear World War II veteran!
The student writes to you 4 "B" class Tyurina Kristina . With a warm wind, a clear sky with delicate spring flowers, with tears in our eyes comes to us the brightest holiday on earth - Victory Day!
We live under a peaceful sky without knowing hunger and bombing, not knowing how to lose our people, they do not shoot at us, they do not drive us into captivity, and all this is thanks to you, your heroism and courage.
Now it’s even hard to imagine what you and your generation had to go through. What trials have fallen to your lot!
Only selfless love for your native land, your loved ones, a sense of responsibility for the coming generation helped you win your terrible war. Your courage did not allow to retreat, and you won!
We owe our life to you, your heroism. Obliged to your comrades who died and survived. I will never forget those who gave their lives in defense of their homeland.
Many thanks to you, a soldier of Victory and a deep bow to you Veteran of the war, for saving our Motherland, saving our shrines, for giving us unborn boys and girls life, for a serene childhood on this flowering land.
Your heroism, courage and ability to win will always be a guiding light for me.
I am proud that I am a descendant of great people who defeated fascism.
I wish you, good man, health, and that you will always be surrounded by attention and warmth.
  We are eternally indebted to you, soldier!

Biryukova Alexandra
  Hello dear Veteran! In our country, we celebrate many different holidays every year: New Year, Knowledge Day and others. But for all of us there is only one most important, dear, beloved and important day, which we celebrate on May 9 - this is Victory Day.
  On this day, we bring flowers to the mass graves of fallen soldiers. We stand silently at the Eternal Flame, suppressed by greatness, fortitude, power, unparalleled feat and your heroism.
  On this festive day, military orders and medals shine on your tunics and jackets, and we say words of gratitude to you, watch films, listen to poetry and songs of the war years and your memories of that terrible war.
  And late in the evening, a bright and colorful firework in your honor flies up into the sky. We know, understand and will forever remember that this clear sky and even I did not exist, this would not have happened without you, dear veteran, and without your Great Victory in May 1945.
  Thank you so much for your courage, courage and perseverance. I wish you health, love and attention of your dear and close people.

“Hello, soldier!”

How many years have passed since your Great Victory! But the memory of you is alive. Perhaps you died heroically, saving your comrades. Or you were taken aback by fascist scouts. Maybe you fell under the fire of machine guns. Or he died of hunger, defending the besieged Leningrad. Or maybe you survived and returned home. In any case, you are a hero! For every soldier is a hero. Remember how you lived in the trenches, went to reconnaissance, more than anything in the world dreamed of winning and returning home. These minutes you were true friends. They shared with you both sorrows and joys, supported you in those moments when there was no strength left. Cohesion and friendship helped you go together towards one goal - victory!

You heroically fought against the fascist invaders, defending the homeland, your home, your family. Waiting in the trenches or going on the attack, you always thought about them. You thought about a meeting, about tears of happiness, about a new life - a life without war. Your family helped you in battle, inspired you to accomplish this great feat. And when the machine guns fell silent, you were looking forward to the coveted letter. With what trepidation you opened it, unwrapped a piece of yellowed paper, and began to read. These words were music for you, warming your heart, a hymn of victory and peace!

I am also writing you a letter, because we are all one big family. A family that stood shoulder to shoulder in the path of the enemy and crushed him. I hope that this letter will make you happy, because we, the descendants of the victors of fascism, remember the Great Feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And on May 9, when the act of unconditional surrender of the German armed forces was signed in 1945, we all go to the Victory Parade, where dead soldiers marching in the ranks of the Immortal regiment. We pay them a tribute of honor, because it was the soldiers who saved us peace, our homeland, it was they who gave us life and a peaceful sky above our heads.

Thank you soldier! Thanks for all!"

Let us, on the eve of May 9, the holiday of the Great Victory, once again recall those who, heroically fighting, survived and did not allow the enemy to seize our Motherland. Let us and we will be worthy descendants of these heroes and, if necessary, without hesitation, we will defend our country, our beloved Russia !!!

  Letter to Veteran

Hello dear veteran! An ordinary seventh grader from a small town of Tomsk writes to you. My name is Tanya, I live with a big friendly family, go to school, enjoy life, and all this thanks to you! I want to say a big thank you for what you did! Thank you for always moving forward to victory, for never losing faith and hope. Thank you for losing your loved ones, not losing heart, and walking on with your head proudly raised, for not sparing your life, you were fighting for our future!

From childhood we were told about the war. War is a terrible time. This is a time of grief, death, hunger, devastation and fear. We can’t even imagine how scary this is. But even then you were not discouraged. Even then you were able to love, have fun and enjoy life. I wonder how you raised morale? Surely you were inspired by letters from loved ones and relatives, in which there was so much love and warmth. Or a collection of wonderful poems that you always carried with you. And what song did you like to sing with your comrades? Maybe this is Katyusha? Or "Blue Handkerchief"? I think there is no song about the war that you did not sing and would not love.

Your life, of course, was not easy. You have experienced a lot: betrayal, friendship, love, quarrels. death. You, like no one else, know sincere feelings. You, who fought for our lives, for a peaceful sky above your head, not only showed courage, but also sacrificed everything that you had: your family, loved ones, and, of course, life. But, despite all the difficulties and hardships, the Russian people survived, did not break, did not give up, did not give the country into the hands of the enemy. Yes, everyone was scared, and an unbearable foreboding of death was often visited by soldiers and rear officers. But people crossed over themselves, struggled for the country, for the bright future of their children and grandchildren.

And I want our and all future generations to remember your exploits and know how hard it was for the veterans to defeat fascism. I am ashamed of some of the actions of young people, because they are so dismissive of the past and are not interested in the history of our country. But many will always remember what you have done for Russia. Thanks for everything, dear Veteran!

  Letter to my great-grandfather

A letter to the soldier, Semenov Alexei Alexandrovich, my great-grandfather.

Hello, grandfather! Hello, Defender of the Motherland! I have never seen you, but in our family everyone remembers you and tells you a lot about what kind of person you were. I know that before the war you were a lieutenant. And during the war he fought in the Japanese direction. You have earned many awards that are stored in our family as a relic.

My letter is thanks! Thank you very much, my great-grandfather, thank you for defending our Motherland against the Nazis together with other soldiers. I can imagine how hard it was for you to fight. When every minute counts, when every wrong step, the wrong move could end in death. There were many losses, but you soldiers did not give up and went on to win. That you were ready to give your life for the homeland. We owe it to you for a peaceful sky above your head, for the bright sun, for the fact that we are alive, for our happy childhood, for a happy family, for the fact that we are loved, for the fact that we love. You saved us from the invaders. I am grateful to you, my great-grandfather! And remember, you are alive in our hearts and will always live. I am proud of you, you fought not in vain!

After the war, you did a lot for our country. I know that you were the chief power engineer at the plant and all your life worked for the good of the Motherland. You were a good person! I know that you knew how to draw well, you were cheerful and optimistic, you had a sense of humor, so your cartoons were in every issue of the factory newspaper. You really loved fishing and hunting, so you spent a lot of time outdoors. You raised your children well, including my beloved grandfather.

Many years have passed since the Great Patriotic War. But we, the young generation, know how difficult it was for you at that time. After all, war is scary and difficult. I really want there never to be a war!

Your great-granddaughter Julia.

  Letter to Veteran

Hello, dear veteran of World War II! A student of grade 8 writes to you. My name is Sasha, and I was born in the city of Tomsk under the peaceful sky of our Motherland! I did not hear the explosions of enemy bombs, the roar of shells, I did not see the burnt and destroyed cities and villages. They told us at school about the war. In just four years, she claimed millions of lives. Among them were children, the elderly, women, the sick, and, of course, soldiers who fought bravely. But they wanted to live, enjoy the sun and the peaceful sky above their heads. War is pain, suffering, and a test of fortitude.

I do not understand fascism! I am unpleasant to see today's followers of Hitler, skinheads, neo-Nazis, who, apparently, did not read history textbooks at all. Events in Ukraine shocked me. As soon as our brothers-Slavs, Ukrainians, could hide in themselves the followers of fascism, with which you fought in the war! It is very scary when unknowing people try to seize power, because it is not known which step will follow. Now we are a completely different generation, but everyone should know how happiness was won!

I don’t know how to describe my gratitude to you for ... that I live, for seeing around me the faces of loved ones, smiles of passers-by, the sun, parents, grandparents, cars, airplanes. And that's all thanks to you. After all, it was you who, at the risk of your life, defended the Homeland, because it was you who saw how your comrades died from enemy bullets, and at the same time did not give up. Know that each of us, whether a child or an adult, will always remember what you have done for us. I am proud that I live in the same country with you. Thank you for the victory, we are all proud of you!

  Elena Dyachkova

Very soon the celebration of the Great Victory. On this day, I attend a rally dedicated to this holiday with the children and parents of my group. There we will definitely present veterans flowers and cardsmade by children hands.

This time we decided to give veterans  front-line postcard triangle letters. We hope they enjoy our work.

To work for us will need:

1. Colored paper

3. Scissors

4. Figured hole punch

5. Procurement for letters

6. Sequins

First, we will make a St. George ribbon, with which we will decorate our front triangle. Cut a strip of 15 cm long and 3 cm wide from orange paper.

From black paper we cut 3 strips 15 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Then we glue black strips on orange. We make flowers from paper of different colors with a figured hole punch. Glue the sequin in the middle of the flower.

Then do directly letter - triangle.

To do this, we collapse it as follows - the sheet in front of you is deployed horizontally. We raise the right corner of the sheet up (or the left down, so that we get a right triangle.

Then add the top corner of the triangle to the bottom - turn in half. As a result, we get a double triangle.

In the resulting figure, we bend the corners up and tuck them into the resulting pocket of the upper triangle.

We got a triangular letter.

Now we need letter decorate. To do this, we cut the previously prepared St. George ribbon in half, and glue it on the edge of the envelope with a corner. We sign the envelope and decorate it with previously prepared flowers.

Our greeting card is ready!

Inside contains text that I previously printed on a computer.

Dear Veteran!

Let the days of war last a very long time

Let the peaceful years race fast.

Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga

History will remember forever.

May you now be fathers and grandfathers,

Whiskey silvered gray hair.

Forever you do not forget the spring of Victory,

The day the war ended.

Even though many are out of order today,

We remember everything that was done then.

And we promise our homeland

Save for business, peace and labor!

Children, teachers, parents

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 58"

Grade 4 students

Children write to veterans of World War II. Years passed ... But still everyone remembers at what price the victory went to us. The memory of the immortal feat, heroism and courage lives in our hearts, the hearts of our children.



Panichkina Ksenia Nikolaevna,

Pupil of the 4th grade of the secondary school № 18 of the city of Neryungri

Class teacher: Larionova E.P.

Letter to veterans.

Dear World War II veterans, I congratulate you on Victory Day! I wish you with all my heart happiness, health, that you will always be cheerful, live for a very long time and be for us a living example of masculinity, stamina and courage!

When I look at films about the war, my heart sank. I understand what horrors, what grief you experienced during those fateful war years.

Dear veterans, thank you so much for these peaceful days for which you risked your life. I know how painful it is for you to look at the fact that we are not doing what you expected from us. Forgive us for everything. If not for you, we would not be in this world now.

Verse to Veterans

You all fought

The country was defended.

Wished everyone good and peace,

People’s hearts were protected.

But sometimes you

I see eye pain.

Like we are now

Everyone forgot about everything.

We remember! We know,

How then everything was.

Thank you

That we live peacefully!


Migita Victoria Yurievna,

Our grandfathers fought

Our homeland was saved.

Children stood on the machines

Deprived of childhood.

Dad, brothers fought.

Moms, grandmothers suffered.

Four long years

Fought for the Victory.

Because the spirit is stronger

Willpower is the greatest.

People believed that there would be

Life and peace in this world.


Stribul Anna Andreevna,

pupil 4 a class MOU-SOSH № 18

Class teacher: Larionova Evdokia Prokopyevna

Letter to my dear great-grandfather Gondar Savely Andreyevich

from the great-granddaughter of Stribul Anna.

Dear great-grandfather! I am writing a letter of gratitude to you for fighting and withstanding all the trials of the Great Patriotic War. Thank you for not sparing your life, defended the homeland, defended peace on earth! I know that then all the Soviet people heroically fought against the Nazis. It is terrible to think what would happen if they gave the homeland to the Nazis. But you fought like everyone else, bringing Victory closer and driving enemies away from their native land. You were wounded several times, but still did not leave the front. Thanks to you, war veterans, we exist and live. Your Victory is our current peaceful life. Dear great-grandfather, let me once again express my sincere thanks for your courage, for your feat, for everything that you have done for me and all of us. A deep bow and many thanks to all veterans of the war and the rear for the Victory, for peace and quiet in our country!


Shiripova Elvira Aleksandrovna,

pupil 4 a class MOU-SOSH № 18

Class teacher: Larionova Evdokia Prokopyevna

Letter to veterans.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Shiripova Elvira writes to you. I congratulate you on the great holiday of Victory Day! With words of deep gratitude, I say thank you for saving the lives of many people, giving us a peaceful, happy childhood. I understand how hard it was for you, but you did not give up in difficult trials. You saved our country from fascism. You went through cold and hunger, shed your blood on the battlefield, many did not return from that war. But thanks to you, we live and enjoy every new day. I admire you, your deed, your devotion to the Motherland.

He who does not know the past of his and his people, that has no future - says a well-known saying. That is why we must honor those people who not only gave us life, but also led the country to today's level of development. Most of all, people should be grateful to the veterans who saved the world from the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. Such people should not be forgotten, because every year, unfortunately, they are becoming smaller and smaller. That is why now I want to talk about the rules by which a thank-you note should be drawn up for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

What you must remember

Initially, you need to carefully understand for yourself which category of population you have to “communicate” with. After all, veterans are people of old age who have seen a lot in life. And often they turn out to be very sensitive, sentimental and to some extent even vulnerable. That is why, when planning to write a letter of thanks to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, you need to remember that it is important to “circumvent” sharp corners, without affecting patients or too serious topics. It is best if the entire text is based on pleasant words and an indication of the special merits of the person.

Rules for writing a letter

Like any other text of this type, a letter of thanks to veterans of the Great Patriotic War should be drawn up according to certain rules. And this is not only the observance of grammar and spelling. So, you must also withstand the structure of the message.

  1. The text should begin with an appeal. If the letter is not addressed, it will be enough to indicate “Dear / respected veterans of the Great Patriotic War”. If the letter is intended for a specific person, you need to contact him by name.
  2. The following are the words of gratitude for the services to the Motherland and the Fatherland, to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  3. You can indicate the name of the sender at the beginning of the letter (as children and schoolchildren mostly do) or at the end. The date is also indicated.
  4. If a child writes a letter, you can write about how he tries to pay off his debt to his homeland at his age, trying to follow the example of a veteran (for example, to study for five or help adults).
  5. Well, it’s worth saying that you don’t need to “lisp” and build sentences too sweetly. In our language there are enough beautiful and gentle words that you can use.
  6. Be sure to write a letter of thanks to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, you should contact the person on “You”, respectfully.

Words that can be used in a letter

Thinking through a letter of thanks to veterans of the Second World War, you must use the following words and phrases:

  • The word "heroes". After all, veterans, in fact, they are. Who, if not them, saved not only the Motherland, but all of humanity from the Nazi invaders, sometimes sacrificing not only their health, but even their lives.
  • The words "courage", "courage", "nobility." Veterans fully own all these qualities. You can use these words in a phrase, for example, "examples of masculinity."
  • The phrase "a peaceful sky above your head." After all, it was the veterans who provided peace and silence to the next generations. They know the price of a peaceful sky, when you do not need to be afraid of shots and volleys.
  • The phrase "Your feat is priceless." In this case, comments are redundant.

Rules for writing a letter

Separately, it is also necessary to tell about how such messages should be drawn up. So, veterans are very fond of postcards. The most ordinary, classic. So the invented text can be written on the back. If the letter is too long, you will have to take a sheet of paper. It’s best to paint it a little. Best of all - with flowers, carnations. You can decorate the text with different pastes, highlighting particularly important points. It will be completely out of place. It is also good to decorate in this way the envelope in which the letter of thanks will be placed.

Example of writing a letter

We examined the rules of how to write a letter of thanks to a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. A sample of such a message is also what needs to be cited.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

I would like to thank you for your courage, strength and courage that you showed during the Great Patriotic War. Thank you for the fact that we can now live in peace without worrying about such simple things as walking on the street. It was you who gave us peaceful sky and tranquility, that world in which we live today, where you can enjoy many simple things.

In turn, we commit ourselves to be worthy heirs, your students. We are ready to learn daily from you masculinity and faith in our strength, love and respect for the motherland. We remember your path and are also ready to change the world for the better.

With great respect and endless gratitude,

Ivanova Maria Ivanovna, Petrovna.

Schoolboy Veteran Letter

You can also make a simple thank-you note to the veteran from the student. Especially if the child is in primary school.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

I am grateful to you that I can live in this country, for protecting us during the Great Patriotic War and giving us peace. In turn, I undertake to study well in order to later work for the good of my homeland. Your feat is priceless, and your masculinity is an example to follow.

Thanks, Masha Ivanova.