Before any teenager, sooner or later, the question arises: "Who should I be?" a rhetorical question, the relevance of which will never disappear.
  While still small, my parents asked, “Daughter, when you grow up, what profession will you choose?” And why do all parents so want to know this when we are at a young age, I don’t understand? But I answered, not quite pronouncing some letters: “Policeman”. Reading the stories about the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and watching the militants about the brave policemen of the West, I imagined how I would investigate some crime and catch a malicious violator of the law. Things I had to be all complicated and interesting, and everything would necessarily end with my victory. The routine sitting in the office, writing reports and reports to the authorities did not exist for me. Traveling to different countries after the criminal, being ambushed day and night, high-speed chases and shootings - this is what I imagined this profession. Parents, however, did not approve of my choice. They constantly kept saying that it was dangerous and could die in solving a crime. But how much they understood!
  Growing up, I began to think more carefully and consciously about my future. Gradually came to the conclusion that I want to devote the further path in life to the improvement of Russia.
  Back in fifth grade, my favorite subject was history. Studying it, I observed for many centuries the rise and fall of my homeland. I admired the kings who strengthened and raised Russia to a high level. I hated and condemned those who plundered it for the sake of themselves, not noticing the needs of the people. Civil strife, war, revolution had a negative impact on the life of the country, in many cases discarding it in development several years ago. The personality cult under Stalin in general, in my opinion, plunged the country into crisis ...
  Arguing in this way, I decided that as a policeman, I would not be able to help my country as much as possible. No, I do not despise this profession now, I just think that power, concentrated in the hands of a smart strategist, will help restore order in all areas of society.
Of course, I understand that my career will not begin by the fact that all doors will open before me, I will become the universally recognized leader of the city or region, or even of all of Russia. I don’t believe in the fairy tale about Cinderella in the modern world, because I’m used to relying not on uncles and aunts, but on my own strengths. After all, who will help you, if not you. All the more relevant in our time is the saying: "Man is the enemy of man." Now everyone is trying to grab a “tastier bite”, plow a lot of money and lay down “to the bottom”. And even if only one thought of others!
  And I have a different opinion about all this. If everyone lives well, no one envies anyone, then the whole country will rise to a high level. Therefore, my career as a politician, I will build on honesty: "Gave the floor - keep it," and I will direct it towards a real improvement in life in the country.
  I myself have not yet participated in the elections, but the election programs interest me.

i’ve fallen back in the elections, but I'm interested in the election programs. In almost everyone there is a line: “I will direct my entire policy to improving the life of the people” or “I promise that as soon as I come to power, life will change in a good way.” And as soon as the "good wizard" gets to power, his words diverge from the deed. After all, all problems cannot be quickly resolved; a long and painstaking work is needed. And then the popular choice begins to blame all the failures on its predecessor, as in a joke, finally destroys the remnants of the preserved luxury and, having secured a decent old age for itself and its family, goes into the shadows. And so in our country almost everywhere. But the population of the country is not limited to one family.
  I well understand that I chose a difficult profession and perhaps an ungrateful one, because almost the whole country constantly scolds, condemns and does not like politics, without taking their work seriously. But, nevertheless, we cannot do without this profession.
  I always wanted to see my homeland among the leaders in any industry. Our country has long been rich in various natural resources: coal, oil, gas, you only need to be able to adequately manage these riches, to direct the use in the right direction, for the benefit of the people.
  In Russia, I’m not the only one who wants to devote my life to politics; there are thousands of purposeful teenagers like me. I believe that we need to be given more rights, we need to be more often involved in governing the country, resolving contentious issues. It was not for nothing that it was said: “Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks.”

The future of a person depends on the choice of a profession. It is important that the chosen profession reflects the abilities and character of the person. The character is finally formed among young people in their youth, so in my years you can choose a profession for life. But the teenager faces a number of difficulties in choosing a specialty.

Youth is a time of new discoveries and achievements. When a person is young, he seeks to know the world and himself. Due to youthful maximalism at my age, you can make a mistake in choosing. People tend to make mistakes, especially young people, but the main thing is to find strength in order to admit the wrong choice and be able to find a new vocation. It is important to soberly assess your capabilities so as not to make a mistake with the choice of your future specialty.

The main thing is that a person can reorient his activities and find a new job. The wrong profession is a hot topic. Today, about 30% of citizens do not work in the profession for which they studied. The cause of the error may be blind following the fashion, imposing of a profession by parents or improper prioritization. To avoid mistakes, a young man should focus on his preferences, because the fate of the future depends on the choice. When choosing a profession, you need to be guided by the demand for this specialty, personal characteristics (character, willpower, other qualities necessary for work) and the ability to realize ambitions.

The main thing in life choice is to realize your talents and be a sought-after specialist.

Updated: 2017-12-24

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Is it possible in my years to choose a profession for life?

While still small, my parents asked, “Daughter, when you grow up, what profession will you choose?” And why do all parents so want to know this when we are at a young age, I don’t understand? But I answered, not quite pronouncing some letters: “Policeman”. Reading the stories about the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and watching the militants about the brave policemen of the West, I imagined how I would investigate some crime and catch a malicious violator of the law. Things I had to be all complicated and interesting, and everything would necessarily end with my victory. The routine sitting in the office, writing reports and reports to the authorities did not exist for me. Traveling to different countries after the criminal, being ambushed day and night, high-speed chases and shootings - this is what I imagined this profession. Parents, however, did not approve of my choice. They constantly kept saying that it was dangerous and could die in solving a crime. But how much they understood!
  Growing up, I began to think more carefully and consciously about my future. Gradually came to the conclusion that I want to devote the further path in life to the improvement of Russia.
  Back in fifth grade, my favorite subject was history. Studying it, I observed for many centuries the rise and fall of my homeland. I admired the kings who strengthened and raised Russia to a high level. I hated and condemned those who plundered it for the sake of themselves, not noticing the needs of the people. Civil strife, war, revolution had a negative impact on the life of the country, in many cases discarding it in development several years ago. The personality cult under Stalin in general, in my opinion, plunged the country into crisis ...
  Arguing in this way, I decided that as a policeman, I would not be able to help my country as much as possible. No, I do not despise this profession now, I just think that power, concentrated in the hands of a smart strategist, will help restore order in all areas of society.
Of course, I understand that my career will not begin by the fact that all doors will open before me, I will become the universally recognized leader of the city or region, or even of all of Russia. I don’t believe in the fairy tale about Cinderella in the modern world, because I’m used to relying not on uncles and aunts, but on my own strengths. After all, who will help you, if not you. All the more relevant in our time is the saying: "Man is the enemy of man." Now everyone is trying to grab a “tastier bite”, plow a lot of money and lay down “to the bottom”. And even if only one thought of others!
  And I have a different opinion about all this. If everyone lives well, no one envies anyone, then the whole country will rise to a high level. Therefore, my career as a politician, I will build on honesty: "Gave the floor - keep it," and I will direct it towards a real improvement in life in the country.
  I myself have not yet participated in the elections, but the election programs interest me. In almost everyone there is a line: “I will direct my entire policy to improving the life of the people” or “I promise that as soon as I come to power, life will change in a good way.” And as soon as the "good wizard" gets to power, his words diverge from the deed. After all, all problems cannot be quickly resolved; a long and painstaking work is needed. And then the popular choice begins to blame all the failures on its predecessor, as in a joke, finally destroys the remnants of the preserved luxury and, having secured a decent old age for itself and its family, goes into the shadows. And so in our country almost everywhere. But the population of the country is not limited to one family.
  I well understand that I chose a difficult profession and perhaps an ungrateful one, because almost the whole country constantly scolds, condemns and does not like politics, without taking their work seriously. But, nevertheless, we cannot do without this profession.
  I always wanted to see my homeland among the leaders in any industry. Our country has long been rich in various natural resources: coal, oil, gas, you only need to be able to adequately manage these riches, to direct the use in the right direction, for the benefit of the people.
  In Russia, I’m not the only one who wants to devote my life to politics; there are thousands of purposeful teenagers like me. I believe that we need to be given more rights, we need to be more often involved in governing the country, resolving contentious issues. It was not for nothing that it was said: “Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks.”

It was natural, and no one wondered: “Is it possible to change one specialty to another?” If a person had such an impulse in the midst of life and professional experience, he crushed him in the bud.

Probably, several decades ago, such a person would be considered an unprofessional and irresponsible employee. Then the change of activity was considered bad form and spoiled the reputation. Then it was extremely difficult to return to stability and gain the respect of colleagues. But these times are long gone, today the situation has changed.

The advantages of a person doing one thing for a long time are training, skills and invaluable experience. But modern experts are confident that every two years a person needs to expand the scope of activity or to explore new horizons. Therefore, many companies constantly train their staff, conduct trainings and intensives for them.

In recent years, an interesting trend has been observed in many areas of activity: managers are happy to hire newcomers. This is due to the fact that it is possible to “educate” an employee in accordance with their requirements. A beginner often makes unusual decisions and introduces effective chips. Therefore, modern employers do not always require work experience, a fresh but responsible approach is increasingly appreciated.

It is important to work in the chosen direction and regularly take advanced training courses. In addition to the main occupation, it is very useful to study in other areas in order to broaden one's horizons. In the era of the Internet, gaining knowledge has become easier, distance education, various webinars and trainings are available.

It’s good if you have a favorite business that generates income. But do not stop there, improve your skills every day. You can discover new depths in your field or master adjacent ones. This will make it possible to become a true professional and increase income.

One profession for life - this trend has long been out of fashion. Each person decides how exactly he wants to develop and where to move. Modern society welcomes this approach. Therefore, parents from childhood diversify their children, write them in various sections and interest groups, and also look for a qualified tutor in Irkutsk. Then it’s easier for a person to find his calling, and his beloved work really brings satisfaction.

Before any teenager, sooner or later, the question arises: "Who should I be?" a rhetorical question, the relevance of which will never disappear. While still small, my parents asked, “Daughter, when you grow up, what profession will you choose?” And why do all parents so want to know this when we are at a young age, I don’t understand? But I answered, not quite pronouncing some letters: “Policeman”. Reading the stories about the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and watching the militants about the brave policemen of the West, I imagined how I would investigate some crime and catch a malicious violator of the law. Things I had to be all complicated and interesting, and everything would necessarily end with my victory. The routine sitting in the office, writing reports and reports to the authorities did not exist for me. Traveling to different countries after the criminal, being ambushed day and night, high-speed chases and shootings - this is what I imagined this profession. Parents, however, did not approve of my choice. They constantly kept saying that it was dangerous and could die in solving a crime. But how much they understood! Growing up, I began to think more carefully and consciously about my future. Gradually came to the conclusion that I want to devote the further path in life to the improvement of Russia. Back in fifth grade, my favorite subject was history. Studying it, I observed for many centuries the rise and fall of my homeland. I admired the kings who strengthened and raised Russia to a high level. I hated and condemned those who plundered it for the sake of themselves, not noticing the needs of the people. Civil strife, war, revolution had a negative impact on the life of the country, in many cases discarding it in development several years ago. The personality cult under Stalin in general, in my opinion, plunged the country into crisis ... Arguing in this way, I decided that as a policeman, I would not be able to help my country as much as possible. No, I do not despise this profession now, I just think that power, concentrated in the hands of a smart strategist, will help restore order in all areas of society. Of course, I understand that my career will not begin by the fact that all doors will open before me, I will become the universally recognized leader of the city or region, or even of all of Russia. I don’t believe in the fairy tale about Cinderella in the modern world, because I’m used to relying not on uncles and aunts, but on my own strengths. After all, who will help you, if not you. All the more relevant in our time is the saying: "Man is the enemy of man." Now everyone is trying to grab a “tastier bite”, plow a lot of money and lay down “to the bottom”. And even if only one thought of others! And I have a different opinion about all this. If everyone lives well, no one envies anyone, then the whole country will rise to a high level. Therefore, my career as a politician, I will build on honesty: "Gave the floor - keep it," and I will direct it towards a real improvement in life in the country. I myself have not yet participated in the elections, but the election programs interest me. In almost everyone there is a line: “I will direct my entire policy to improving the life of the people” or “I promise that as soon as I come to power, life will change in a good way.” And as soon as the "good wizard" gets to power, his words diverge from the deed. After all, all problems cannot be quickly resolved; a long and painstaking work is needed. And then the popular choice begins to blame all the failures on its predecessor, as in a joke, finally destroys the remnants of the preserved luxury and, having secured a decent old age for itself and its family, goes into the shadows. And so in our country almost everywhere. But the population of the country is not limited to one family. I well understand that I chose a difficult profession and perhaps an ungrateful one, because almost the whole country constantly scolds, condemns and does not like politics, without taking their work seriously. But, nevertheless, we cannot do without this profession. I always wanted to see my homeland among the leaders in any industry. Our country has long been rich in various natural resources: coal, oil, gas, you only need to be able to adequately manage these riches, to direct the use in the right direction, for the benefit of the people. In Russia, I’m not the only one who wants to devote my life to politics; there are thousands of purposeful teenagers like me. I believe that we need to be given more rights, we need to be more often involved in governing the country, resolving contentious issues. It was not for nothing that it was said: “Through the mouth of a baby, the truth speaks.”