Office life is stressful and prone to overeating. In order not to gain excess weight and maintain health, physical activity and diet are required. It’s good if the dining room is nearby. There will be buckwheat porridge or vegetable stew. If not, then hunger sooner or later will make you think about what to eat at work without harm to the figure .

There are two options - to bring something from home with you or buy a snack in the nearest store.

Do not forget that breakfast and dinner should also be dietary.

Why do you need a healthy snack at work?

Small portions between the main methods control the feeling of hunger, maintain working capacity. This is an element of fractional nutrition, which nutritionists advocate. And also this is a necessary condition for productive labor. Proper snacking is good for weight loss and overall health. Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid discomfort and sudden jumps in blood sugar.

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The benefits of snacks:

  • Protects against stress and creates psychological comfort. Small intermediate meals help to focus on your duties, eliminating the expectation of lunch.
  • Improve digestion. A small snack is quickly absorbed. It requires less enzymes than a satisfying feast. The digestive tract is not overloaded and works better.
  • Rid of the desire to "eat up to the dump". The longer you do not eat, the stronger your appetite. It causes peptide hormone ghrelin. It is produced by the mucous membrane of the stomach. When you are very hungry, it is difficult to control the amount of food eaten. The result is overeating.
  • Activate metabolism. Large gaps between meals make the body work in an economy mode, store supplies and slow down the metabolism. What this leads to, you yourself know. The waist disappears, the figure deteriorates. Rare, but plentiful food provokes weight gain.
  • Energetically nourish   all internal organs, including the brain. The result - increased productivity, lack of desire to relax. This is especially important for mental workers. It is easier for them to maintain mental activity all day without resorting to another cup of coffee.

You see, snacking is useful and beneficial. Now let's figure out how to snack properly. But first I want to note: it is unlikely that all of the above applies to obese.

If cell receptors have lost sensitivity to insulin, then saturation comes very late. In this case, fractional nutrition is not recommended.

The right snack for work - what is it?

The basic principle is to prepare meals in advance. Avoid situations where your stomach is already rumbling, and at hand only caramel. Follow these guidelines:

  • Let the portion be modest. Enough 7-10% of the daily volume.
  • Eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day. Allow afternoon for lighter meals.
  • Keep track of quality, expiration date. Dairy products stand at room temperature for a couple of hours. Then eat them or refrigerate them.
  • Seize the moment. Have a second breakfast 2.5-3 hours after the first, and an afternoon snack 3 hours after lunch. Take a short break for 5-10 minutes. Take a break, relax. This will allow you to optimally allocate resources, maintain vigor until the end of the working day.

Useful snack for losing weight it will not let your appetite run wild, it will not overload the stomach. After him, he will not be drawn to sleep. He will give strength, cheer up.

Do not chew while running. Do not grab the first thing you glance from the store shelves. Sooner or later, this will lead to digestive problems, vitamin deficiency, or diabetes.

In the workplace, it’s better to stay a little hungry than over-fed. In addition, sometimes we take thirst for hunger. Do not allow dehydration. It’s a good habit to drink green tea. The main thing is that a bag of bagels or gingerbread is not attached to it 😉

How useful is a snack at work?

A busy schedule is no reason to refuse a balanced diet and diet. Here is a list of the most suitable products for a quick and healthy snack at work:

  • cheese toast
  • hard boiled egg
  • peeled
  • muesli bar
  • whole cereal flakes,
  • dried fruits,
  • nuts or
  • tangerines

Bean soups or “cold” oatmeal in a jar I do not advise taking with you. This is clearly not something to eat at work. An exception is the availability of storage and heating conditions. Fish, meat, eggs - all this is good, but not for snacks in the office. The same goes for smoothies, stuffed apples and other culinary delights. I have no idea how to carry them with me in my purse.

Useful snack at work for losing weight:what to take from home?

Let us dwell on universal options. They will quickly saturate and maintain harmony. I picked up seven recipes that won't crumble and spill along the way.

Put in a plastic container a boiled egg, diced Adyghe cheese, seasonal vegetables. You will get low-carb foods rich in protein and vitamins.

Fruit snack. Cut a large slice of pineapple, pear, kiwi. Add grapes and a few slices of orange.

Fill the lunchbox with a mixture of dried apricots, dried figs, prunes and peeled pumpkin seeds. Do not forget the spoon, so as not to take it with your fingers.

Try making vinaigrette, but do not put potatoes in it. Ingredients: a quarter of cooked beets, cucumber, 50 g canned peas, a little greens.

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Make a ricotta and mango sandwich. Use 2 whole grain bread toasts. Spread one with ricotta and the other with mashed pulp of mango and lemon juice. Fold together and wrap with food foil.

Free grapefruit slices from films, divide into pieces. Add 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of cereal.

Fry cheesecakes once a week. Mash a pack of cottage cheese with an egg and 2 tbsp. corn flour, stir. Form walnut-sized balls. Squeeze in a small amount of vegetable oil under a closed lid.

What to choose for a snack in the store?

It is unlikely that today there will be at least one office away from the supermarket. I often see employees and students picking chocolates, chips, cookies at Magnet at lunchtime. I just want to tell them: “Look around! There is a huge selection of equally tasty, but much more nutritious products. ”

What you should pay attention to:

  • Fresh fruits. A perfect snack is a ripe banana. It does not have to be washed, it is satisfying and sweet. Kiwi, grapes, apples or tangerines are also suitable. They help digestion, they have a lot of fiber and trace elements.
  • Cucumber or tomato.
  • Portion salad. Many supermarkets now sell fresh packages. See that it does not have mayonnaise.
  • Low-fat kefir, yogurt without additives, fermented baked milk.
  • Diet bread.
  • Vacuum-packed boiled corn or beets.
  • Suluguni, mozzarella, brie.
  • Bitter chocolate. Not dark, not milky, namely bitter, with a maximum percentage of cocoa in the composition. A tiny piece is enough for a snack. The product supports the nervous system, activates the thought process. It supplies the body with magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

One of my favorite snacks is unsweetened cornflakes. I consider them as porridge, only in a dry form. Do not forget that 100 grams will provide almost a quarter of the daily norm of kilocalories.

What is not suitable for a snack?

Not only at work, but also in everyday life, carefully monitor what you eat. Choose only high-quality, low-calorie meals. This will protect against many troubles in the future (verified by personal experience).

If you are on a diet, delete the following items from the menu:

  • waffles, muffins, buns, cakes;
  • any sweets, chocolate bars,
  • halva, sorbet;
  • sausages, lard;
  • sweet cocktails, nectars from a pack, Coca-Cola, other carbonated drinks;
  • fast food, french fries, chips, crackers;
  • donuts, pasties, pies.

These items contain too much fat and carbohydrates. Such snacks do not provide enough fiber or protein, not to mention vitamins or minerals. They contain flavor enhancers, preservatives and flavors that are conducive to overeating.


Most modern offices do not have a kitchenette, which is a pity. It is time for employers to take care of the comfort of their employees. It’s not so difficult to organize a corner with an electric kettle, a refrigerator and a microwave (remember how the main character’s wife dined in the TV show “Breaking Bad”?). Then the problem of snacking will disappear by itself.

Otherwise, office workers will decide what to eat at work without harm to their figure and health. I hope my review is useful to them.

Our energy is directly related to the foods we eat. The products that we choose to saturate our body can either increase our vitality or reduce it. Here is a list of energy-rich foods that will support your overall health. There are 25 of them, so let's get started!

(Only 25 photos)

Everyone knows that “one apple a day - and you don’t need a doctor”, and it really is! Apples contain many vitamins and minerals, they are also a rich source of flavonoids and polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Try to eat them every morning and add them to fruit smoothies.

Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, which helps maintain normal blood pressure and cardiac activity. The bananas are peeled, so you can drop them in your bag or carry in your hands. Such a snack will undoubtedly increase your energy level during your lunch break.

3. Red pepper

Sweet pepper is filled with antioxidant vitamins A and C, which are necessary for the beauty of your skin. Red pepper, in particular, contains lycopene for cancer prevention. If you want to have a hearty crunch, red pepper is perfect. Try dipping it in the sauce during your lunch snack.

Hummus will serve as a healthy, energizing snack, which will certainly satisfy cravings for sweets and salty. It is an excellent energy activator in combination with other elements from this list, such as red pepper, carrots and cucumbers. Try to make hummus from fresh chickpeas (peas) with zucchini zucchini, instead of traditional chickpeas with fresh tahini (sesame paste). You will still receive amino acids and calcium from fresh tahini, but in a lighter, non-starchy form.

5. Natural dark chocolate

If you are a sweet tooth, natural dark chocolate will definitely satisfy this craving, and it is better than dessert snacks that contain refined starch, which destroys vitamins necessary for energy. It is recommended to eat not milk, namely natural dark chocolate, since it contains the largest amount of powerful antioxidants. But it contains sugar, so you should limit its consumption to 1-2 ounces (about 57 grams) per day.

6. Pumpkin seeds

These seeds are simply a storehouse of minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium, vitamin K and proteins. Be sure pumpkin seeds will satisfy your desire to have a bite when you need to increase your performance. They are lighter than nuts, try to consume a quarter cup of these seeds in the afternoon a few hours after lunch, especially if you work after the main work or if the time before dinner is too long.

7. Carrots

Carrots contain a large amount of fiber, so it will be an excellent crunchy way to suppress acute hunger, while not forgetting about proper nutrition. It contains a large amount of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which is good for vision. In addition, carrots are vegetables that go well with most other foods, and are great for snacks all day.

8. Celery

Celery is a life-giving source of fiber, vitamins B and C. It has a diuretic effect due to the balance of potassium and sodium electrolytes contained in it, which help get rid of excess fluid in the body. Celery also has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it goes well with hummus as a more substantial snack, or try adding it to a green smoothie (see below).

9. Vegetable soup

Cooking vegetable soup puree is a great way to get the right amount of vegetables in cold weather. There is nothing better than a warm bowl of soup, so try boosting your energy with a serving of pure vegetables. Because soup is a mixture, and your body can easily absorb the nutrients that have become available without spending energy on their breakdown.

10. Lemon water

It may seem too simple, but sipping water with lemon (cold or hot) is a well-known way of providing energy. Dehydration is the main cause of fatigue, so drink in small sips. Lemon provides an additional charge of vitamins and enzymes. So start your day with confidence with a mug of hot water with lemon.

11. Oatmeal

Oats are one of the healthiest carbohydrates you can find. Try eating oatmeal in the morning, and after 25 minutes you can eat some fruit or, if you're still hungry, a green smoothie. Sprinkle cinnamon over the porridge for even more benefits and flavor.

12. Bright green smoothie

Try to mix a portion of this cocktail when you feel a breakdown. It contains a huge amount of greenery in one drink with a small amount of fruit for sweetness, so the taste is simply delicious. Filled with vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and saturated with fibers, it will be an excellent daily ritual for you for breakfast and afternoon snack.

Watermelon is perfect for a snack, especially in summer. It contains lycopene, which, as mentioned earlier, is associated with cancer prevention. For maximum benefit, eat watermelon on an empty stomach. Like other non-starchy / low-fat fruits, it is digested quickly and must successfully pass the stomach so that it does not prematurely ferment after slowly digesting the rest of the food.

14. Coconut water

Drinking coconut water is one of the best ways to naturally moisturize your skin. It is filled with electrolytes and has detoxifying properties. Young coconuts will work best, but it's not always convenient (!). Today you can find coconut water in carton packs at most health food stores.

15. Green salad

There is nothing better than green salad to provide a boost of energy. Green vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals, which are quickly digested, so you feel like you are energized. Use light lemon sauce - this is an ideal way to get a little nutrition when you feel a lack of energy.

16. Pineapple

Pineapple is easily digested and contains the bromelain enzyme, which promotes digestion and has cleansing properties. Again, be sure to eat pineapple on an empty stomach and do not combine it with other foods.

17. Blueberries

Blueberries are a delicious, energizing snack. These berries are also known for their brain-enhancing and energy-enhancing properties, so it's good to eat them before the test or when you just need to focus. These berries are always in abundance!

18. Avocado

Filled with fiber, healthy fats and fiber, avocados can be one of the staples of your day. It will keep your skin smooth and youthful. Avocados are also known to help lower cholesterol. If you don’t want to eat it just like that, try adding avocados to salads.

19. Unprocessed granola (granola, only one of those ingredients that you love)

Granola is a good snack if you feel hungry in the middle of the day. Make sure that you choose a granola that has not been over-processed (it’s best to choose unprocessed if you can find one), preferably without gluten and a ton of sugar. And it’s best to try and make it yourself from buckwheat.

20. Herbal tea

You can drink herbal tea if you do not want to eat at night, in the morning, or in the middle of the day. Just make sure there is no caffeine in it. Red rooibos is best, as it contains a lot of antioxidants and tastes good.

21. Dried figs

Dried figs amazingly cleanse the blood, helps to eliminate mucus and toxins from our body. Make sure that the manufacturer of your choice does not add sugar or other additives to it. Figs contain a rather large amount of sugar, so you should limit the serving size to a few things. If you have candidiasis or problems with sugar levels, you should avoid dried foods and eat more fresh fruits.

22. Strawberry

An excellent product containing fiber, a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as biotin (useful for skin, hair, nails) and folic acid. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants. Ideal for the summer!

Quinoa is a cereal that perfectly complements your diet, because it is a complete protein containing essential amino acids. This is one of the most nutritious and nutrient-rich cereals you can choose.

24. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are well known as vegetables rich in mineral silicon. This is a delicious, moisturizing and nourishing snack, pleasant both on its own and soaked in hummus. Try making a cucumber salad with natural apple cider vinegar.

25. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a food rich in probiotics. Probiotics contribute to the formation of vitamin B, which, you can be sure, will fill you with energy for the whole day.

We met nutritionist Alla Manaykina in one of the largest hypermarkets in Minsk. The task for the girl was set, at first glance, simple: pick up options for healthy snacks. We walked around the store and chose products that will help to kill the worm if the "mess" is forgotten at home (or not assembled at all).

- First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition. It is important to look not at the calorie content of the product, but at what benefit you will get from it. 30 grams of nuts will be much more useful than any pie of the same calorie content, the nutritionist advises.

How to choose a snack in cooking

Alla notes that many do not like to buy food from the store. But passes by the shelves: fried, smoked, greasy is not good. Not the best option and products with mayonnaise, cheese, breading. Leans in fish: baked salmon meets the requirements, however, it costs almost 50 rubles per kilogram. Carp does not pass the test, it was cooked with mayonnaise. Next we find boiled broccoli, green beans, rice, baked vegetables. In the latter - a lot of oil.

“No need to be so afraid of butter.” Just keep track of its amount in your diet. There is a certain norm of saturated and unsaturated fats, roughly speaking, unprofitable and healthy, which a person can consume per day. If the dressing is already quite oily, you can get wet with a napkin, the nutritionist tells.

We pass to salads, Alla is animated. Points to vegetable: Greek, vinaigrette, eggplant, cabbage.

“Sauerkraut is very useful for digestion: this is a fermented product, bacteria were involved in its leaven,” the girl explains.

Snack on a fitness bar or dried fruit.

“The main problem with most bars is a lot of sugar and vegetable fats,” says Alla.

On a shelf with muesli, a nutritionist chooses two popular bars, which can often be found in stores.

- No matter what they write on the packaging, “fitness” or “health”, you still need to read the composition. Here in the first place - cereals. Further down the list are different sugars. The composition is bad. But the situation is even worse in the second bar: in the first place is sugar, in the second - confectionery fat, instead of whole grains - flour. There is no benefit in this product, Alla concludes with annoyance.

The nutritionist finds an edible specimen: in the composition of dates, raisins, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, Brazil nut. However, this bar costs twice as much as those that we watched.

The Alla Department of Nuts and Dried Fruits is an excellent alternative to muesli bars.

- Speaking of dried apricots, the worse it will look, the better. Because for a good look it is treated with sulfur dioxide, and it is better to look for a product without this preservative. And nuts should be selected unroasted, without salt and glaze, ”the girl says.

Also, a nutritionist asks not to pass by peeled pumpkin and sunflower seeds. This is an excellent supplement, for example, in yogurt.

Snack from the "milk": yogurt is possible, glazed cheese - not worth it

In the dairy department, Alla leads us to Greek yoghurts.

- It is better to give preference to plain yogurt without filler. For example, if you compare with cherry: the volume is the same, but almost twice as much carbohydrates due to sugar. And if we talk about vitamins from cherries, they are unlikely to be there, ”the girl argues.

A nutritionist asks for a glazed curd cake as a dessert. They contain a high content of confectionery fat and sugar. Cheese, according to a specialist, is worth choosing regular.

- But you need to know a sense of proportion - 40 grams will be enough, it is better to choose with a fat content of at least 45%. For smoked cheese, I have questions about the manufacturing process, I do not recommend processed cheese, either.

What to choose vegetables, fruits and greens

The nutritionist calls the department with fruits and vegetables a paradise. In winter, according to Alla, it is worth paying attention to citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. Do not ignore kiwi, pineapple, persimmon, bananas, apples.

- But, for example, I would not take mangoes. It would take greens, even if it is artificially grown. For example, arugula. Vegetables are a little more difficult, as winter affects taste. I wouldn’t take cucumbers. Tomatoes - possibly if fragrant, - Alla sniffs and adds: - These, though Spanish, don't smell anything.

Of vegetables for a snack, the nutritionist prefers red pepper, carrots and celery.

   Photo: Reuters. The photo is illustrative.

What kind of bread is better to take for a snack

In the bread department, Alla immediately chooses three common options. In some, the composition is perfect, for the rest there are questions.

- The golden composition of the bread is whole wheat. Similarly in other types: buckwheat, rice, corn. Bread rolls should not be made from flour, they should be made from cereals.

Stand out bread on the shelf, which are the most expensive: for a package of 220 grams they ask for almost 10 rubles. Alla studies the composition and makes a verdict: the ideal version, some grains, seeds, bran.

How sweet you can not be afraid

- The most optimal are marshmallows and marmalade, candy and halva. That is, products that do not use a lot of confectionery fat, premium flour. Avoiding healthy people is worth sweets with fructose - again, this is a synthesized sweetener that disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. For people with diabetes, for example, the other way round: for them it is a necessity, says Alla.

A nutritionist advises choosing a dark chocolate with a cocoa content in the region of 70%. More is already for everybody.

- Cocoa mass is better than cocoa powder. The latter, rather, a residual product in production, cheaper material, - reads Alla's composition of chocolates. - Sugar in any case will be, and it is important that it does not come first. There just has to be cocoa butter. This ingredient is the most expensive and indicates the quality of chocolate. This chocolate bar is not there.

What canned foods can I open for lunch?

We pass by the counter with olives and olives. The nutritionist stops.

- By the way, olives are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids. Yes, this is a canned product, but as a snack - why not? - argues the specialist.

In the grocery department, Alla chooses canned tuna in her own juice. It contains only fish, water and salt.

- In oil it is better not to take it, because it is very fat and high in calories. In tomato juice, too, there is sugar, starch. You can consider other fish, for example, pink salmon, but nutritious tuna contains a large amount of protein, ”the specialist explains.

In the same section, a nutritionist finds hummus (mashed bean from chickpeas) and says that it is a good source of protein for those who refuse meat.

- Sea kale is an amateur product. But the option is certainly a healthy, dietary one. It is better to avoid sugar and vinegar in the composition, but if there is no alternative, then you can also rinse with water, says Alla.

In this case, snacks are saved. It is important to note that to date, many wonderful and light dishes have been invented. Cooking them is not difficult. Cooking time will take a minimum, but a small package with provisions as a result will help to quickly restore strength. Snack recipes are a storehouse of useful ideas, a culinary section that everyone should bookmark.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

The recommendations of the housewives, who are accustomed to caring for the well-being of their family, will come in handy when you are going on the road, traveling, will become a lifesaver at times of maximum workload. What can we say about simple recipes for treats for the smallest? Moody kids sometimes refuse almost everything, but if the presentation is amazing, if the dish is decorated creatively and interestingly, then the appetite will appear instantly. A separate topic is snacks for those who are passionate about healthy eating or diets. Such recipes, as a rule, are made strictly taking into account the principles of building a diet.