How to make an orchid release a baby?
  How to care
  How to transplant a baby, orchid layering
  How to water an orchid flower
How to grow orchids

An excellent and effective method of propagation of almost any type of indoor and garden plants is the effect of cytokinin paste on the plant. With its help, the cultivation of any flowers becomes an incomparable pleasure, especially the propagation of orchids.

  Orchid propagation

Propagation of orchids using cytokinin paste becomes a thankful task, especially this can be said about phalaenopsis - just lubricate the area on the peduncle. In addition to orchids, the paste gives an excellent effect with senpolia, succulents, hibiscus, camellia, roses, begonias, citrus fruits, etc.

This hormonal drug contains cytokinins - substances for growth. On sale you can find an analogue of the paste - "Keikigrow Plus", but it is much more expensive. It must be stored in the refrigerator, taken out for use only.

  Gardening cytokinin paste

Cytokinin paste is convenient in working with garden crops, to stimulate the appearance of new side branches and the formation of crowns. Thanks to the help of the drug, sleeping buds are awakened, and their active life begins, which is difficult to achieve with capricious flowers and plants. Also, new buds are formed, from which, in a short time (7-14 days), “babies” or peduncles sprout and are born.

A tool is used to accelerate the appearance of the kidneys, their development and growth, as well as a stimulator of flowering and reproduction. Especially effective means for the breeding of new varieties of roses, violets and other complex species of flowering crops.

In gardening, for example, it is easy enough to scratch a bulb or tuber, sleeping buds on the lower part of the plant stem with already fallen leaves, apply the drug and after a week you can observe the growth of shoots, the emission of peduncles and children. In tuber species, daughter bulbs and tubers are tied.

Such a wonderful effect of the drug on plants is associated with the ability of its formula to cause active cell division of the plant, with further stimulation of the development and growth of budding buds.

Kidney awakening

Using a sharp sterile (disinfected) needle or knife, carefully scratch the surface of the living cell tissue of the kidney.

  If necessary, then remove the kidneys protecting the living flesh - dry scales. Apply a paste-like mixture in an amount comparable to the size of a pea, i.e. 1.5-2.5 mm, then spread it over the entire surface of the kidney in an even layer. It is convenient to apply the drug with a toothpick.

  The number of artificially awakened buds should not exceed three per plant, although this primarily depends on the ability of the root system to provide new shoots with nutritious nutrition. Using an excess amount of a stimulant will lead to the release of several shoots from one kidney at once, which will prevent them from fully developing.

  Plant care after treatment

Throwing away new shoots, the plant needs increased nutrition, so do not forget to create the appropriate conditions for it: warm and bright placement and the necessary nutrition. If the plant will stand in "winter" conditions, then the accelerated development of new shoots or children will undoubtedly lead to the depletion of the plant as a whole and the deterioration of its appearance, in particular.

  Therefore, it is important to feed plants more intensively with fertilizers with a higher than usual nitrogen content, as well as provide more gentle care for the plants as a whole.


We collected this information bit by bit, save for yourself and share with friends. Tried for you dear). You will not find this on the Internet. Step 1. Remove the orchid from the pot and place it in a wide basin. To make it easier for you to pull out the orchid, remember slightly the walls of the pot. If this does not help - carefully, so as not to damage the aerial roots of the phalaenopsis, cut or break the old pot. Usually, the stronger the root of the phalaenopsis is developed, the stronger it "clings" to the pot, and the more difficult it is to release it. However, if the orchid is weakened or sick, it has few living roots, then it easily leaves the pot, it is enough to pull it slightly on the stem. Step 2. The roots should be washed and cleaned of residues of the substrate. It happens that they are very intertwined and it is very difficult to free them from the substrate. To easily clean the roots, pour a little warm water into the basin and dip them in water for 10-20 minutes to soak. Do not leave the whole orchid in the water with the leaves, only the root system. Then try to untangle it with your fingers. Help yourself with a shower, direct a stream of water on the remnants of the bark to wash them off. If some roots are firmly rooted in the bark, do not try to free them, so as not to injure. Step 3. Carefully inspect the root for rot. All rotten as well as dry roots must be removed. If only part of the root is damaged, cut only this part to a healthy (green or white) tissue. Before the “circumcision” procedure, the scissors must be disinfected with alcohol or held over a fire so as not to introduce any infection through open sections. After all operations, be sure to treat the phalaenopsis wounds. You can: sprinkle with activated charcoal (crush tablets) or cinnamon, grease with a garlic solution, gloss over with sulfur, treat with antiseptics, brilliant green. Step 4. Remove the old yellow leaves, if any. You need to remove them carefully so as not to damage other leaves, according to the following scheme: cut the sheet along the middle and remove it from the stem, pulling the cut ends in different directions. It often happens that new roots grow on top of old lower leaves. If you want to deepen them into a substrate, then the lower leaves can be removed, even if they have not yet turned yellow, because they will interfere with landing. Delete in the same way as yellow leaves. You should also remove drying or yellowed flower stalks, leaving a small stump (0.7-1 cm). All sections, wounds on the leaves also need to be disinfected. Step 5. After you have treated all the wounds, you need to let them heal and dry. You can leave the orchid for about 2 hours, and then continue the transplant. Or you can transplant in 2 stages: in the evening, say, do the first 4 steps, leave the orchid to dry for the night, and finish in the morning. During the night, the slices have time to tighten better. Only if you intend to leave the orchid for the night, make sure that there is no excess water left in the axils of the leaves and the core of the phalaenopsis, otherwise decay may begin. Blot water with paper towels. Step 6. The next step is the landing of the phalaenopsis. The ideal substrate for it is large pieces of bark. Planted in the bark (usually pine), to increase humidity, you can add moss (sphagnum) to it. However, charcoal, cut wine corks or polystyrene can also be used with bark. In such a substrate with large fractions, voids necessary for aeration of the roots are formed. Filling them with a smaller substrate is not necessary, so the roots will have the opportunity to breathe. When choosing a pot, focus on the size of the root system. The pot should be of such a diameter that when lowering the root system into it, 1-2 cm of free space would be left on the sides. If phalaenopsis is your first orchid, then be sure to take a transparent pot - it will be easier for you to take care of it. You will see the condition of the roots and will be able to accurately determine when to water a houseplant. At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of bark of a large fraction. Then we add a layer of smaller pieces and put the plant itself in the pot. Holding the plant with your hand, add the bark in small portions. It is necessary to fill the entire space between the roots with a substrate. To do this, gently tap on the walls of the pot with your hand, and push individual pieces of bark between the roots with your hand or a wooden stick. When planting phalaenopsis should be placed in the center of the pot. If its stem is not even, but slightly slanting on its side, then it is not necessary to plant it in the center. And do not try to straighten the stem, tied it up or propped up with something, it will still fall over on its side over time. Do not deepen the base of the stem! Plant so that the upper roots are slightly covered with a substrate. Aerial roots, if they are small, can also be deepened into the substrate. But if they are long and there is a risk of breaking them at the same time, it is better to leave it as it is. Step 7. The transplanted orchid for the first time, until it takes root, put in a shady cool place. Do not water it for about a week. At this time, you can spray the leaves, but only in clear and warm weather. If phalaenopsis is actively growing, it is recommended to add slightly diluted fertilizer to the spray water. At the first watering, it is advisable to add phytosporin or fungicide.

We collected this information bit by bit, save for yourself and share with friends. Tried for you dear). You will not find this on the Internet.

Step 1.  Remove the orchid from the pot and place it in a wide basin. To make it easier for you to pull out the orchid, remember slightly the walls of the pot. If this does not help - carefully, so as not to damage the aerial roots of the phalaenopsis, cut or break the old pot. Usually, the stronger the root of the phalaenopsis is developed, the stronger it "clings" to the pot, and the more difficult it is to release it. However, if the orchid is weakened or sick, it has few living roots, then it easily leaves the pot, it is enough to pull it slightly on the stem.

Step 2 Rinse and clean the roots of residual substrate. It happens that they are very intertwined and it is very difficult to free them from the substrate. To easily clean the roots, pour a little warm water into the basin and dip them in water for 10-20 minutes to soak. Do not leave the whole orchid in the water with the leaves, only the root system. Then try to untangle it with your fingers. Help yourself with a shower, direct a stream of water on the remnants of the bark to wash them off. If some roots are firmly rooted in the bark, do not try to free them, so as not to injure.

Step 3.   Carefully inspect the root for rot. All rotten as well as dry roots must be removed. If only part of the root is damaged, cut only this part to a healthy (green or white) tissue. Before the “circumcision” procedure, the scissors must be disinfected with alcohol or held over a fire so as not to introduce any infection through open sections. After all operations, be sure to treat the phalaenopsis wounds. You can: sprinkle with activated charcoal (crush tablets) or cinnamon, grease with a garlic solution, gloss over with sulfur, treat with antiseptics, brilliant green.

Step 4.   Remove the old yellow leaves, if any. You need to remove them carefully so as not to damage other leaves, according to the following scheme: cut the sheet along the middle and remove it from the stem, pulling the cut ends in different directions. It often happens that new roots grow on top of old lower leaves. If you want to deepen them into a substrate, then the lower leaves can be removed, even if they have not yet turned yellow, because they will interfere with landing. Delete in the same way as yellow leaves. You should also remove drying or yellowed flower stalks, leaving a small stump (0.7-1 cm). All sections, wounds on the leaves also need to be disinfected.

Step 5.   After you have treated all the wounds, you need to let them heal and dry. You can leave the orchid for about 2 hours, and then continue the transplant. Or you can transplant in 2 stages: in the evening, say, do the first 4 steps, leave the orchid to dry for the night, and finish in the morning. During the night, the slices have time to tighten better. Only if you are going to leave the orchid for the night, make sure that there is no excess water left in the axils of the leaves and the core of the phalaenopsis, otherwise decay may begin. Blot water with paper towels.

Step 6 The next step is landing phalaenopsis. The ideal substrate for it is large pieces of bark. Planted in the bark (usually pine), to increase humidity, you can add moss (sphagnum) to it. However, charcoal, cut wine corks or polystyrene can also be used with bark. In such a substrate with large fractions, voids necessary for aeration of the roots are formed. Filling them with a smaller substrate is not necessary, so the roots will have the opportunity to breathe. When choosing a pot, focus on the size of the root system. The pot should be of such a diameter that when lowering the root system into it, 1-2 cm of free space would be left on the sides. If phalaenopsis is your first orchid, then be sure to take a transparent pot - it will be easier for you to take care of it. You will see the condition of the roots and will be able to accurately determine when to water a houseplant. At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of bark of a large fraction. Then we add a layer of smaller pieces and put the plant itself in the pot. Holding the plant with your hand, add the bark in small portions. It is necessary to fill the entire space between the roots with a substrate. To do this, gently tap on the walls of the pot with your hand, and push individual pieces of bark between the roots with your hand or a wooden stick. When planting phalaenopsis should be placed in the center of the pot. If its stem is not even, but slightly slanting on its side, then it is not necessary to plant it in the center. And do not try to straighten the stem, tied it up or propped up with something, it will still fall over on its side over time. Do not deepen the base of the stem! Plant so that the upper roots are slightly covered with a substrate. Aerial roots, if they are small, can also be deepened into the substrate. But if they are long and there is a risk of breaking them at the same time, it is better to leave it as it is.

Step 7  Transplanted orchid for the first time, until it takes root, put in a shady cool place. Do not water it for about a week. At this time, you can spray the leaves, but only in clear and warm weather. If phalaenopsis is actively growing, it is recommended to add slightly diluted fertilizer to the spray water. At the first watering, it is advisable to add phytosporin or fungicide.

It has long been - in Brezhnev's times. It was in Belarus. I went to work at the factory, which is fifteen minutes walk from the house. As I was pleased with the fact that you do not need to spend two or three hours daily on the road.

They offered me the position of shop manager. No, I’m saying, I’m tired of eternal trouble, I’ll go as a technologist or designer as agreed.

I went through the workshops to get acquainted with the production. In general, the plant worked satisfactorily, but one of the workshops never fully implemented the plan and spoiled all the general factory indicators. I was interested to know why this is happening.

He went through all the technological chains, looked at the sluggish, stupid work of people. My heart was disgusting, insulting that nobody is interested in the result of the work. Such a hopelessness, a waste of money, indifference, and, naturally, low earnings. He returned to the technical department, discussing with his colleagues what he saw, said:

I do not find the reasons that impede the implementation of the plan. Irresponsibility, low organization of labor, violation of technology ... All this can be eliminated without problems and successfully work.

Yes, every year we change the head of the workshop and no result. Do not drive anyone there. Bad place - my colleagues objected.
  - You follow your opinion, because you are convinced in advance that there will be no other result. I need determination and a desire to work! ”I said.
  Colleagues, politely said nothing.

A week goes by. Call me to the director.
  - Sergey Petrovich! Sign the order appointing you to the position of head of the second workshop.
  - We didn’t agree! I objected.
  - And with us, none of the engineers was interested from the first day of work, why from year to year the problem workshop does not fulfill the plan. Only you, on your own initiative, have shown interest. Today is the twentieth of August. No questions for you. Take a closer look, apply with suggestions and requests, and from the first of September, start direct work. I recommend to go on a business trip to Leningrad to a specialized enterprise with a group of employees whom you choose. Good luck The first three months, everything is forgiven to you, then there will be demand.

I chose five people - all women. They had never been to Leningrad and were so happy about the trip. A day later, we rolled on the train. We went around several hotels. In each announcement: "There are no places!"
  We are going in a trolley to look for another. Women huddled together in the back platform, dull, worried. I, with my optimism among them, like a watchdog among roses, and they completely dropped their noses.

Girls! Do not worry, we will find a haven. The world is not without good people!
  Then a man of our age, giving us a curious look, asked:
  - What is the problem? No places in the hotel?
  - They said no, and never will!

My name is Vasily. Send to me! I will help out. Belarusians or what? We leave at the next stop, just in time to tell a story.

I served in Belarus. Good people. To us, one grandmother brought apples to the military unit. Helped for free. Bring a basket to the checkpoint and says:
  - Eat the lads, hi you pass through (pass through). My grandson is now serving far from home, in Ukraine. He writes that their locals also treat them with apples and seeds. Everywhere there are good people and we, Belarusians, are no worse than the rest! (the rest)

I looked at the good-natured, cheerful man and was imbued with complete confidence in him. And the women whom I take care of are standing like sheep, huddled together and don’t know what to do ... They’ll stomp on like that, they won’t say “YES” or “NO”. You need to push them, and then with them, as with a harrow in the forest ...

Girls! We will respond to the invitation! Stomp for Vasily, you will not be mistaken. He is a good man. I will arrange you, and I will go to my relatives.
  Vasily's two-bedroom apartment looked well-groomed. He showed where the linen, dishes.

Settle yourself. Use a refrigerator. How many days will you be? Five? Good! When leaving, turn off the light, gas, close the taps, do not forget to turn off the iron! I will not constrain you. My wife was offended for nothing and went to my mother. I'm on vacation too. I'm going to make contact. When leaving the keys give the neighbor from the fourth apartment.
  - Vasiliy! How much do we owe you?
  - Yes, okay ... Leave for washing the laundry, for laundry, if that is how you are washing. Good luck, and I'm leaving now.
  - And who will check the apartment? - asked the head. laboratories Anna Stepanovna is a conscientious, intelligent person.

What is there to check? I have no doubt that there will be a complete order. And, however, one request will be. I know, as soon as I leave the threshold, women will immediately begin to splash around in the bath like ducks. Then wash and hang up your harness on the balcony and where necessary. My wife is jealous! If he finds such a thing, he will harass me! Do not forget anything, take everything with you!

We went out with Vasily together, said goodbye, as friends.
  The next day, our entire team began to exchange experiences. Women took jobs, and it turned out that they worked no less productively and efficiently than Leningraders. They parted as friends.

On the last day of the trip, we visited the Peter and Paul Fortress. I remember an episode that I always remember with a smile.

Anna Stepanovna, my colleague, a chemical engineer, was shortsighted and glasses did not fully compensate for the quality of vision. So, when we walked near the corridor leading to the casemates, a scene from the past was displayed there - the overseer sitting at the table and his two colleagues bent over the papers.

The stage was so natural that Anna Stepanovna looked at them and said hello. Not hearing an answer from the counter “Hello!”, Anna Stepanovna greeted again, and went on with irritation. I restrained a smile, reassured her:
  - They are very busy, they are not up to us.

She did not understand the irony and commented:
  - Sergey Petrovich, do not justify them. You will remember the kindness and responsiveness of Vasily! How can they be compared. Not all Leningraders are equally raised ...

We have completed our trip. We arrived inspired by successful work. I was able to organize the work so that the workshop became advanced, fulfilling all the indicators.

Anna Stepanovna, only a year later learned from me how she greeted mannequins, mistaking them for living people. She laughed a lot! I was not offended.

I was born in Peterhof. She knew this and apologized to me for unjustly taking offense at my fellow citizens of Leningrad.